Preparing the Next Generation to Run the Family Business

in voilk •  5 months ago

    “If you're reading this letter, it means I have finally left the world to be with my fathers. When they see what I have become with the legacy they left for me, they will be proud. Don't you think so, Janelle?....”
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    Janelle sniffed, laughing with tears falling from her eyes like water from a small fountain. Even in death, her father didn't seize to capture her heart. He was a tall man, Towering above all of them except Trevor, the last child, he wore his hair pulled back in a sleep style like a movie star and kept a full mustache with a little beard to grace his jaw.

    Whenever he walked, he held his shoulders high, “The first way to know a king is his charisma” he would always say to them.

    Janelle blew her nose into the tissue Trevor handed her now, as the lawyer continued with the letter their late father left behind.

    “... I'm sure Bridget wouldn't probably be around yet when this is read but tell her I have left a tape specially for her in my bedroom safe. She can receive her motivation at her convenience…”

    Everyone, including the lawyer, turned to look at the young woman who sat just behind Janelle and laughed when her face relaxed into a faint smile. It was the first time she was early to an occasion and even at that, she had arrived 30 minutes after the time they agreed to meet.

    “....My baby boy, Trevor. Don't you dare tell me you're not a baby? You would still be that 3 month old who peed on the most expensive three-piece suit your mother bought for me…”

    Trevor groaned as they all burst into wild laughter.

    “...and to my dearest companion, Janelle, I wrote this letter for you initially but I thought your siblings should share in it too because knowledge for one, is knowledge for all.” Trevor had his arms around her now. “I want to thank you in advance for taking care of your siblings like I know you would. Just like you took care of me even at your tender age when your mother died. It is for this reason that I have set you as manager of the entire Wellington legacy,”

    Both Trevor and Janelle gasped at the same time as Bridget reached her hand forward to give Janelle a squeeze on her shoulder.

    Janelle was tearing up, too overwhelmed to speak. She thought Trevor would be the manager. He was just 21 years old, but he was mature for his age and quite responsible.

    “Here is a little advice for you while you're at it,” the manager continued “The secret to my success wasn't my father's wealth. Yes, he left an empire for me, just as I have left for you, but what helped me maintain, grow, and expand that empire is a wise investment.”

    The lawyer paused to see if that point had registered. When she nodded, he continued,

    “As simple as that sounds, it grew from hundreds of thousands in my hands to billions, I know you can grow these billions to zillions if you keep this advice handy. One of the most profitable investments you can make is real estate investment, but note my dear baby girl that the real estate market is not a get-rich-quick-scheme. It takes time and a lot of consideration but in the end, it will pay off”.

    Janelle sighed with appreciation. Who better to tell her about success in business than the business guru himself?

    “I ventured into commercial real estate investment alone, but you can diversify. You could walk into residential or Land investment. You could even dive into flipping, you know, buy a property, renovate it, and sell it for profit, but with flipping, you can never be too sure that you'll make more than what you paid for it. I don't intend to spoon-feed you into greatness, child, but I want you to be properly guided.”

    Janelle wiped tears from her eyes as they returned in torrents.

    “Let me leave you with this. I am proud of you three, never in my life have I seen such beautiful, cooperative, smart kids like the ones I birthed and raised. And I love you trio. Do me proud and join me here, but not sooner than 80 years. I have set the standard so follow it….”

    Bridget blew loudly into her handkerchief, “Why does he think his death is a joke?” She asked, breaking into tears. Trevor went behind to hold her close.

    “...Now, each of you, give someone a warm embrace there for me. Love, Harold Wellington”

    And so the three of them held each other in a tight embrace, imagining their father was just in their midst, smiling broadly like he did on bright days.

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