Only humanity can save us

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Time is the most valuable and precious thing in this world and again its the most powerful one also. Through time many things have been lost or disappearing. We can feel the difference or missing things from generation. Maybe it's because the thoughts of humans change little by little from generation to generation.

    Human is known as the best creature on this earth. It is known to all that humans are the best creatures because of their intelligence but I believe that humans are the best creatures in this world because of humanity. Humanity makes a person a true human. I think very few people will deny my statement.

    It's not so far when most of the people were living happy and peaceful life. Maybe people I am not so updated right now. They didn't have any updated technology like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc for communication but the bond between humans was very strong and powerful. At that time people used to believe and trust others and most people didn't dare to break their trust. One used to think about other's prosperity. When one human was in danger, others came to rescue or help. They used to try their best not to hurt others and thinking about harming others was kind of rare thing. People used to think a hundred times before doing any wrong thing. Although they were not as civilized like us but their heart were pure and they understood the true meaning of humanity.

    Let's talk about our current situation. We are living in the digital world and because of technological development, we have many things to communicate with others. We are living more easy and comfortable life compared to our ancestors. We have Facebook WhatsApp Twitter for communication, vehicles for long traveling and so many things. The world has become smaller to us. We are so much updated and developed that which is beyond the imagination of our ancestors. We gave a tag to ourselves as civilized humans. Everything should be better compared to the past time. The people should be living a more peaceful and happy life compared to the past time as we are more civilized and developed humans. But the really is different and I prefer to say almost the opposite.

    In the current time, very few people are happy and living a peaceful life. In fact finding that kind of person is getting difficult. Various kinds of wars like business wars, technological wars, and combat wars were occurring. All of us race with each other because we are thinking of others as our competitors. Jealousy increased a lot and because of jealousy, we don't hesitate to harm others. For money, we are running blindly like a heartless human and we don't hesitate to harm others. In fact, don't hesitate to kill another person because of the greediness of money. Now, when we see one human is in danger. We totally ignore them because we don't have the time for them. We became so selfish and blind that the pain of another human can't reach our hearts and can't be seen. Moreover, we try to criticize them because of their situation. I think we become so inhuman that is a matter of concern. Humanity has almost disappeared from our hearts. Sometimes I feel animal has a bigger heart compared to us. Maybe and saying a little but can you strongly say that I am saying the wrong thing? Don't you think we are humiliating the word "civilized human" when we are almost the opposite?

    Realty is always harsh and accepting reality is always hard. I believe that we are living in chaos and only humanity can save us from the chaos otherwise in the future days humanity will disappear completely. I wish I could bring back humanity in the present time. It's the only thing which can make the world much better.


    If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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