Lucid Dream Master #3 Precognitive Dreams - Fiction

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Episode 3. Precognitive Dreams

    Minho and Jisoo were in the same class. In elementary school, they used to go to the mountain behind the school with their classmates after school. They played war games there and had a lot of fun.
    At that time, Jisu played the role of a nurse, treating her friends when they were injured in war games.

    Jisoo moved to follow her father's job and then moved back to their original home.
    Now Minho and Jisoo live in the same neighborhood.

    Minho had a class and went to the bus stop to go to school. At the same time, Jisoo has a class and is also coming to the bus stop.

    When Jisoo saw Minho standing at the bus stop, she remembered that Minho looked exactly the same as he did when he was in the sixth grade.

    "Are you Minho?" Jisoo asked.
    Minho turned around as if someone had called out to him.

    "I'm Jisoo, we were in the same class in sixth grade," Jisoo said.
    Minho recognized Jisoo, who looked just like her childhood self.

    "Oh, Jisoo Kim, nice to meet you."
    He remembered passing her in the library and asked.

    "Didn't you come to our school library yesterday?"
    "Uh, I got into the art department," Jisoo replied.
    "I got into the computer department, too. I'm going to go to school because I have a class, but didn't you move in?"
    "No, I moved back to my old house."

    Minho and Jisoo took the same bus to school. On the bus, they talked about their old school teachers and how they used to play.

    Minho felt like he was dreaming. To see if it was a dream or not, he used the index finger of his right hand to play with his left palm. It hurt. It wasn't a dream.

    To have a lucid dream, you need to get into the habit of doing real checks.
    This will increase your chances of lucid dreaming by making real checks in your dreams.

    Minho and Jisoo arrive at school and walk toward the library. Minho and Jisoo exchange phone numbers.

    Jisoo stops to walk towards the art department and says to Minho
    "I used to like you. I hope to see you more often." With that, Ji-soo walked toward the art department.
    Minho was confused by Jisoo's words, but then he realized that he had heard them in his dream.
    "Okay, I'll see you around," Minho replied and waved.

    Minho had a precognitive dream. A lucid dream is when something that happened in a dream happens in real life.

    A reverse dream is when the opposite of the dream happens in real life.
    A lucid dream is a dream in which a new life is conceived. Reverie dreams are dreams in which ancestors, Buddhas, and mountain gods appear in dreams to predict good and bad things in the future. Ancestral dreams are often credited with winning the first prize in the lottery.
    Revelatory dreams are dreams in which only the chosen ones are shown the way to the future, and most of the time, these dreams turn their lives around.

    Minho went to the library after class.

    He looked up the function of dreams.

    Dreams are an activity of the human subconscious that can symbolically foretell good or bad things that will happen to you or your surroundings.
    Dreams are a manifestation of your subconscious mind, including your wishes, anxieties, fears, and nervousness.
    Dreams can also tell you about abnormalities inside or outside your body, or about dangers in your surroundings.
    Dreams can also maximize the mental activity of our subconscious mind, allowing us to make discoveries, inventions, and creative ideas that would not be possible in waking life.
    Dreams can also be used to communicate with ancestors, animals, plants, and other spiritual objects.

    Minho became even more curious about dreams.

    He looked up the advantages and disadvantages of lucid dreaming.

    On the plus side, they can relieve stress. You can get a kind of vicarious satisfaction by doing things that you've always wanted to do but couldn't do ethically or legally. Many people who lucid dream have happy experiences and are able to maintain that mood when they wake up.

    The downside is that it can become a means of escapism. In fact, lucid dreaming is often sought out by people who are depressed due to increased stress in the real world, which can lead to nightmares, which in turn can lead to more stress, creating a vicious cycle. Prolonged REM sleep can make you feel tired and unhealthy all the time.

    As a reality check, Minho sometimes uses the index finger of his right hand to press firmly on his left hand to see if it hurts.

    He returned home from school.
    He kept a dream journal and went to bed in anticipation of his Lucid dream.

    In Minho's dream

    This is the back mountain in the neighborhood where Minho used to play as a child. There is a cave there. People are carrying a brass statue into the cave. Minho is one of the people carrying it.
    Out of habit, Minho does a reality check, but he doesn't feel sick. He recognizes that he is dreaming.
    The statue is copper on the outside and pure gold on the inside. The transporter tells him to bury the statue in the cave. After burying them in the ground, the person in charge of transportation killed the people who carried them with guns.

    Minho started to run away. He struggled to wake up. Minho was so frightened that he woke up from his dream.

    As soon as he woke up, he wrote in his dream journal.
    'The mountain behind Minho's neighborhood, cave, brass statue, copper on the outside, gold on the inside'

    Was it just a dream?
    'It was too vivid.'
    Minho thought he should visit there.

    Image : Bing image creator

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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