Cannabis Update - Day 55

in voilk •  19 days ago

    Hello Everyone,

    Things have been coming along really good with the female Crack Mack cannabis plant.

    Let's have a look at how she is doing.



    Strain:Crack Mack
    Nutrients used:Bloodmeal/Jobes pellets
    Phenotype traits:Tall/BigLeaf/Mixed Fruity/Piney
    Lineage:Green Crack/Big Mack Superstar/Miracle Mack
    Current growing stage:Vegetative
    Current plant age:55 Days
    Sex:Photoperiod/Auto recessive
    Location:Syracuse New York

    Anyone who knows anything about cannabis cultivation knows that this stage of vegetative growth development is pretty much the second most exciting stage of cannabis cultivation, with flowering being the most exciting of course.

    Why is this an exciting stage of development?

    It's because the plant has reached its fully mature state and is now growing massive amounts of foliage with very thick stems.

    Let's have a look at how powerful these stems are.


    Here in this gif we can see some blue LST (low stress training) clips on the main branch systems. (Applied to plant yesterday.)

    My use of these clips is to widen the branch structures so that the big fan leaves and inner node growth have room, while offering better airflow and light distribution to the plant.


    One way a cultivator may determine that their plant is growing rapidly and healthy is to pay attention to how long low stressed areas take to recover.

    We can see in this photo above that the plant has fully recovered from its bent state and is now growing back towards the light.

    This process of correcting itself only took the plant approximately four hours, and that tells me it is very healthy and growing vigorously.

    These clips are quite fat, but there is still a chance the plant might break the clip(s) before they are removed due to how strong and fast healthy cannabis stems tend to grow.


    I'm hoping this plant get's at least twice this size before I induce flowering, and my time frame for flower inducing is the first week of July.

    In other news...


    There are a few peppers growing on this cayenne pepper plant, and they are not safe from animal attacks...


    Good thing it will grow more for me ;D

    That will do it for this cannabis update.

    What do you all think of how things are looking?

    I would love to read your thoughts in the comment section!

    Thank you for stopping by!

    Have a good day! -@futuremind

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