February Inleo Winners | March Monthly Prompt

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello! February Monthly Prompt is over!

    March prompts are here

    Check the guidelines bellow because they are not the same this time

    The time has flown by.

    The goal of this prompt was to help people generate ideas for writing when they are stuck, and posting through Inleo for this challenge gave participants the opportunity to be curated and potentially win a premium account.

    Thank you to all the participants; I hope the prompts have given you ideas for those days when your creativity escapes you and helped you become more familiar with Inleo. Maybe it even helped you develop a writing habit.

    We had a few Premium accounts to give. Let's remember the rules were using the #februaryinleo tag, post from Inleo and follow the topics. Threads were also valid.

    Here are the winners based on their participation and quality, and a few special places for people that has supported the platform a lot even if they didn't follow the topics during the whole month.


    Congratulations everyone, make the best of this prize, post from Inleo during March, engage with others. Premium itself doesn't do much if you are not around to enjoy the perks.

    Note: The specific date for the distribution is not out yet, you will get a message about it. If you get a premium on your own it will be assigned ones that subscription is over

    March Monthly Prompt

    This month we have a new set of prompts and a different dynamic.

    #Marchinleo guidelines:

    1- Create a post from Inleo or a threadstorm following the topics of the calendar

    2- Use the tag #marchinleo

    3- Let people know about this initiative at the end of your post

    4- A thread will be created daily from this account for you to share the links to your post or threadstorm there

    5 - Drop a comment on other author's post

    We still have some premium accounts to give away between the participants! So join to be one of the winners.

    Here are the prompts of the month. This time we are not going to be too specific but rather give a topic that you guys can tacle from your own perspective the way you want.


    • Day one, Museums, Galleries, Art Exhibitions.
    • Your last visit to a museum
    • Digital NFT galleries
    • The role of art in the world economy
    • History of a museum on your area*

    and so on.

    Remember creating your own titles, do not write "prompt of the month" there.

    Do not drop the links on the comments of this post, do it on the daily thread

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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