Reflection Of The Season’s Beauty And Colors
Still in the energy of the celebration season family and friends of reflection and shadow community, and I hope we are all amazing 😻, celebrating 🥳 and enjoying with loved 🥰 ones.
Honestly it has been a wonderful season snd we all need to get the best out of it because Christmas comes once in a year and am happy to be sharing with you some reflections of Christmas lights from tree decorative.
An awesome and amazing reflection from this lights struck my view last evening as I set through the kitchen door preparing some dish . This is actually what makes the season beautiful and enjoyable as it brings some memories it leaves us with.
Thanks to our dear friend @olgavita as we count down into 2025 and hoping to be energized for more captivating reflections that keeps us active and moving.
Hope you like this these amazing reflections of beautiful and colorful lights signifying what wonderful season we are in.
Wishing you all a healthier and abundance 2025 🎆
Images are mine.