How to achieve and improve - Interview with the Author of „Atomic Habits“

in voilk •  2 months ago

    How to get better

    If you have some time today I would really recommend this podcast episode. It offers really good learnings about how to grow and achieve things for you, your family and life. Ryan Holiday interviews the Author of the bestselling book „Atomic Habits“, James Clear.

    To give a little insight about the content: To achieve things its not about goals, its more about to concentrate on the process. If you like to be a blogger or author for example, just start writing instead of setting the goal to „write a book“ or host a „well known blog“.

    I don’t want to spoil too much, you should listen that podcast yourself, but one more thing: Yes and No are quite different. Yes equals obligations but a No frees up some future time. So we should think twice, if we really want to say Yes to too many things although its often the easiest. Something that I am also struggling with myself from time to time.

    Here you will find the whole episode on Fountain FM. I myself have ordered the book of James Clear as a consequence. It was on my list for quite a while now but now is a great time to change that.

    All the best, guys and enjoy your Sunday!

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