Tales of the Urban Explorer: Stockport Village

in voilk •  4 months ago

    “It doesn’t look pretty”, I mused to @anidiotexplores who was busy taking photographs. More like... 'what a shit-tip'.


    You follow the sign which is not very delicately pinned to the wall, which leads to a very small door, which you enter and trudge up some stairs. The door appears to be the entrance for SRA Models.


    On closer inspection, you can see where the door really leads. It's hardly going to pull in passing trade, and maybe it was the reason 'Stockport Village’ was a huge flop.

    Closed since the 1980s, what could still be in there after the vultures have raided? Finding anything on 'Stockport Village' besides reports from other explorers, most of them sometime before I arrived was all I could find.

    There’s supposed to be evidence of an illegal Cannabis shop that was closed down by the local plod the day it opened. A mural is depicted on a wall and I have seen images online.

    Where is the mural now? We scoured the place and couldn’t find a trace, nor of any cigarette butts containing this ‘deadly drug’, which is mostly legal in one form or another throughout many counties.


    …but first we had to get in. Reports and chit-chat gossip were sporadic and unhelpful.

    Stockport Village’ is open
    Stockport Village’ is now sealed.
    Stockport Village’ is open if you climb a massive wall and avoid the razor wire.


    Outside we stared hatefully at the said wire which was of the regular type but very new. The wire looked back at us jeeringly and seemed to bounce a little with joy at our dismay.

    ’bloody animated barbed wire, what’s Stockport Council going to come up with next?’…

    Someone had recently taken steps to keep us out and although the 'massive wall' was tame, all those dangly wires around the top edges were enough to ensure I would not be able to create more babies if a tragic slip happened.

    …but hold on, what’s that?

    A closer inspection revealed some wire cutters had made a precision snip and a hole was present, it was just tough to see. On our hands and knees and being careful to avoid that wire that now appeared to be silently cursing us, we snuck into the grounds.


    From there, it was plain sailing through this window and into the 'Village'.


    I was never expecting much from ‘Stockport Village’ and true to form it was never going to deliver anything astonishing besides bad graffiti, lots of broken glass and broken down furniture and doors.


    The homeless; while it was easy to access for a while this would have been their home, and then someone comes and wires the place up.

    Imagine coming ‘home’ from hard days begging to find your house is no longer accessible.


    Yes, no doubt we all are by someone.


    They look like ex-showers with an abundance of tiles. It's either that or toilets and none were to be found.


    You are never going to get clean hands using those.


    I banged my head while trying to get through this hole that led to the next floor and then released I could have walked around it. Ouch, it hurt and I can remember.



    This very open space could have been some type of boxing gym. From what I gather, ‘Stockport Village’ housed all types of businesses.


    It looks very comfortable and a little too padded for the type that you tie up someone for imminent torture.


    Windows frames that were never used… now rotten and only good for a local bonfire.


    What’s the significance of the ‘RM’ in the bottom left corner?



    This is likely the reason the building has not been demolished, the history remains.


    Under those planks of wood lies a wicked 12-foot drop. The wood was not even new and placed there as a deadly trap for novice explorers. The dastardly things I see when in these derps, I tell ya.


    Stockport Village' was maze-like inside, and we ended up going up, down, and double-backing at times to find areas we had not yet explored.


    A view of Stockport from a nearby window; nobody looked up, nobody gave a shit.



    I did contemplate crossing this for a brief second before common sense kicked in. If the edge collapsed would the holds also collapse? My conclusion was 'YES' and so 'over there' was strictly off-limits.


    Here’s the view from outside and below. What do you think, was I a girly pussy not to make the attempt?



    Here’s a very unusual sight; an intact toilet. Trust me, you are better off not looking at what was lurking in the depths of that water.


    Some corridors went narrower and narrower ending up at a dead end. That’s 19th-century architecture.


    In there was once a plush office, probably.


    Some surprisingly intact stairs with little chance of collapse.


    The Cheshire Model Agency is likely no more. Empty since the 1980s generally means fuck all inside, so I was surprised to find even this trace of an ex-business.


    More traps for explorers. I didn’t feel the need to kill myself on this particular day so once again abstained from the deadly jump.


    These images never come out very well, but trust me it’s a sizable drop.


    Stockport Village' looked like an excuse to use an old factory for modern usage. From the rear, it looks like a mishmash of buildings stuck together.


    Why they haven’t demolished this mess is anyone’s guess, but it’s probably a listed building.


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