The Future Is In Your Hands

in voilk •  3 months ago


    There is a saying that f you look after the pennies/cents the pounds/dollars will look after themselves. This can be used in most walks of life because it is about looking after the details no matter how small you think they are. If you take care of the small things the profits are sure to follow and crypto is no different.

    We know the majority in crypto do not bother with doing their own research so it is most likely true they are not diligent over how they manage their investments and no doubt leave a lot to be desired when it comes to earning and staking rewards.

    When you are having long term goals of one day having a crypto income it is an accumulation of the small things that will make the difference. Currently I am on that journey and pay attention to all the fine details because every little bit counts which eventually adds up to a lot.

    My COTI stake is a prime example of being diligent not missing a beat making sure goals are achieved. Currently the stake is generating rewards which once staked add an extra 0.02 COTI daily. What this amounts to is an extra COTI being earned every 50 days or over 7.2 COTI being earned daily per year. Slow going, but done over a 10 year period and you now have value. This excludes the compounding effect so these numbers will be slightly bigger.

    The 10 years as a time frame is giving you the best chance of achieving a crypto income stream because one you have been accumulating for a decent length of time and secondly the price or value of the crypto token should have risen. My 7.2 coins extra per day x 10 years will not be 72 coins but well over a 100 being earned daily. If those are only $5 (will be much more) each by then that is $500 being earned daily. The biggest mistake people make is not factoring in the time required having no patience resulting in a missed opportunity. Most consider a two year time frame as thinking long and this gives them no chance of making it big.

    I would rather work a second job than dip into my crypto portfolio and have worked two jobs in the past when extra funds were required. I must admit it is not ideal but if you consider sacrificing a 10 year period to free yourself up for life that others do not achieve in a life time working it is a sacrifice worth doing.

    Most of the people I know live in debt and are juggling their credit cards which at some point will catch up with you. The next year will be better attitude does not help because we know every year is getting harder to make ends meet.

    This is the scenarios we need to avoid and crypto is the ticket out of he financial holes the average family experiences today. The crypto earning opportunities are all around us and grabbing them could not be easier. I dare say many of these will not be that easy within the next 5 years because you are then no longer considered early like you are now.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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