The Awakening

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    Senator Richards stood at the large podium in front of the room, gripping the sides with both hands. behind it was a massive Metropolitan flag. He appeared to be sweating in a room filled with large windows that let in plenty of natural light and air. Chairs arranged in neat rows filled with press corps who sat with their notepads and cameras at the ready.

    The once-powerful and commanding voice of the rotund senator Richards shook as he tried to address the crowd of reporters gathered before him. His belly had his belly hanging over his belt. And his jowls jiggled when he spoke. With just one look, it was obvious: he reeked of corruption, always putting himself first, leaving his constituents in the dust. A pot bellied politician, hard to trust.

    'I"I know you all have questions about the allegations on me" he said, eyes scanning the room with nothing particular in mind. "I, Senator Richards, I want to be clear— Right now, I'm all about transparency. Ready to spill the beans and answer whatever's thrown at me. But first, I want to say sorry to the good folks of Metropolitan. Admit it, I messed up big time. The gravity of my mistakes are weighing heavy, hurting my folks. I'm sorry, and I'm ready to own up and fix it. Just need you all to bear and work with me, give me a chance to earn back your trust. Thank you for listening." To the reporters "Please, I can answer your questions now."

    The room fell silent, then exploded with voices, everyone shouting their questions all at once. Many reporters' hands could be seen floating in the air now.

    Senator Richards closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before pointing to a reporter in the front row.
    'I'll take your question first,' he said, his voice still shaking.

    The reporter stood up and asked the Senator. 'Senator, may we know what exactly you're apologising for? The present allegations against you are very very serious, and many of your constituents are calling for your resignation. Can you vividly tell us what happened and why you think you're still fit to serve?'

    With a bated breath, Senator Richards took another deep breath, and began to speak. 'Just as the allegations are serious, I want to assure you that I take them very seriously too. Like I said earlier I will be as honest and open with you as I can be." He paused.
    "Years back, I made bad choices driven by greed. I took money from groups not caring about our nation. I made deals only to fill pockets, ignoring how it hurt my people. My ambition clouded judgement, betraying the trust they had in me. I'm sorry for my actions and committed to making things right. That's why I'm here now, facing questions and consequences.
    Just then another reporter sprouted up and asked 'can you be more specific on the deals you made?'

    'In one case, I doubled the amount needed for a project in my constituents from the advice of my godfather in politics. The particular company in charge of the project is owned by my godfather too. This was the only option he gave in order to support my second term ambition.' He paused and took a sip of the bottle of water placed before him. 'In another case, I used my influence to help an unqualified friend get a contract. Lastly, I voted in favour of a bill that will benefit one of my largest campaign donors, even though I knew that the bill was not in the best interest of my constituents. I am deeply ashamed of these actions, and truly sorry too.'

    The room went silent again, as the Senator waited for
    another question.

    'Senator, this is really a huge shock to us. We heard of the rumours but never believed. Because you've already sold us lies and pretence. How can we trust that you won't make the same mistakes again?' asked another reporter.

    'Well, I'm human and can't promise never to make mistakes again, but I can promise that I will always strive to do what is right and I promise to return every little token stolen by me and counterparts to the account of my constituency. I will surround myself with people who will hold me accountable, and I will make sure that my actions always reflect the values of integrity and honesty. I know that the mistake has already been made, but I will use that as a front to learn and grow from those mistakes. I hope that the people of this country will forgive me."

    He paused again, this time it was clear that he was trying to hold back tears. 'To my people I want to apologize. I'm sorry for putting you guys through years of hardship and sorrow. I'm sorry that you were the ones who felt the gravity of my wrong decision. You endured bad roads and poor governance through me for years. I know that it will take time to rebuild trust, but I am ready to do the hard work that it takes. I stand here today because I want to make things right, and I want to work hard to earn your trust back. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain myself, and I welcome no further questions you may have.'

    The room erupted in a flurry of questions, but the Senator paid no attention as he walked out the room drying his tears with his handkerchief. He was in a swirl of emotions.

    Just as Senator Richards promised he returned the stolen funds and persecuted those involved too till the returned their share of the stolen funds. He denied them further contracts from the government. He made sure to complete projects he didn't complete and governed his people well.

    But unluckily for him, he wasn't voted again by his people to represent them in the next election. It was clear that the gravity of his choices and mistakes were too hard for his people to hear and trust him for another tenure.

    Senator Richards accepted it with good faith. He was just happy to be free from a conscience filled with guilt.

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