In Voltaire's novel Candide, the protagonist embarks on a journey around the world, firmly believing in the philosophical teachings of his first mentor, who taught him that everything happens for the best and that whatever happens is the best possible outcome.
As Candide travels from one place to another, things continually worsen along the way. However, he reassures himself that he will eventually reach a place where everything will turn out perfectly.
He finally arrives in a city where the inhabitants possess everything they need. When he asks how they pray to God, they respond that they do not pray for anything because God has given them everything—they only offer thanks.
Despite this seemingly ideal city, Candide cannot stay. Similarly, he cannot remain in a city where everything is falling apart.
Eventually, he encounters another philosopher who believes that everything in the world tends towards the worst possible outcome. By fate, Candide ends up living with both philosophers in the same place.Neither of them holds on to their former beliefs anymore; they both come to the conclusion that human destiny is to live in misery.
They realize that everyone they met on their travels—kings, monks, travelers, princes, slaves, and servants—considered themselves the most miserable people. The common thread among them all was their pursuit of glory, which was the source of their misery. When they began to let go of this pursuit, their unhappiness gradually diminished to a level that became bearable and manageable.They realize that everyone they met on their travels—kings, monks, travelers, princes, slaves, and servants—considered themselves the most miserable people. The common thread among them all was their pursuit of glory, which was the source of their misery. When they began to let go of this pursuit, their unhappiness gradually diminished to a level that became bearable and manageaBLE