Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 27

in voilk โ€ขย  17 days ago

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    Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

    This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

    Click Back Button to Start At The Beginning

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    Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 27

    Dear Reader, those moments in life when everything seems to make sense, that for once the pieces seem to make sense and even fit (sort of).

    Those moments never last, but itยดs just nice to have a couple of moments in a life where you donยดt want to drop to your knees and ask; Why?.

    Because that is basically my default, not getting what I am doing here but knowing there's is some kind of purpose.

    A destiny I can not grasp, but of which I am certain itยดs out there.

    That is why I appreciate those moments when things all come together and I think I understand what I am doing here, even if itยดs for a very short moment

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    I actually didn't want to be there at the farewell, but Sei forced me to come along.

    It's that I know he has Sion because for a moment it seems like they will never let go of each other. I know it's not nice but I try to listen in, not that I am jealous but definitely curious.

    "It's okay sister, he knows the way and you know how. You guys are an unbreakable unit in so many ways, I'm so happy you're here. You guys.."

    "Shht, someone hehh, no! What a rotten prank, that old man is just standing there listening."

    Without a word being said, the three of us stand with tears on our cheeks from laughter and probably also a few because we know that this trinity is already being broken.

    Then it's my turn to say goodbye. "Just with words please, I don't need you in my head young friend."

    "I wouldn't dare go into dusty old rooms of your mind my friend, ughh. But no kidding. When I came here I didn't understand anything, but now I do see a bit more of the bigger picture. I also that I'm not needed on this trip, but I know that I still come back at least once more. Therefore isn't goodbye buddy, just see you later."

    Then he holds me almost as long and tightly as Sei, almost.

    I feel tears welling up and immediately remember why I don't want to be there, but after taking two deep breaths, Numico is already with his mother.

    What an idiot I am, standing here worrying about myself, but what must it be like for that boy?

    Then I feel a soft, warm hand under my shirt from behind, sliding down the side to my stomach.
    "It's okay Martio, you don't always have to think for someone else. It's okay to feel your own pain every now and then, that's what you are human for after all," she whispers in my ear.

    The stupid thing is I know she's right, the worst part is that she has that when she's not even half my age. I watch them as they walk out of the village, it is still a long walk to the camp their entourage has set up.

    Only Sion and Numico visited the village out of respect for the fact that the council still does not want a foreign tribe to know where we are hidden.

    Their belongings are carried by the horses that laboriously descend the long stone steps to the river. If I can no longer see them, I don't really want to leave because as soon as I turn around they are gone. Not for good if I have to believe Numico, but gone anyway.

    I am one of the last to decide to go back, but when I turn around it is Sei who shakes her head.

    "Martio, we can go to the river, I don't need an old man staring at my breasts while I'm cold and wet. But I would I would really like to find some peace and quiet."

    What an egoist I am, not for a second did I realize what these last 24 hours must have been like for her.

    She exposed herself to Numico, who seemed to see right through her, and then she made herself terribly vulnerable towards me, with success, but still. To then be thrown to the wolves by a young prince, also with success, but for a woman of almost sixteen summers, that doesn't leave you cold.

    "Of course, I didn't think of that myself."

    "You're getting old Martio, but luckily you have me for that now. Because an old man like you, just...," she doesn't finish the sentence and just shakes her head.

    The stone is warm from the afternoon sun, the water is calm, most of the snow has already melted, summer is coming. We sit as we always do and the funny thing is we have never discussed this, but we both sit in lotus position with their backs against each other.

    Then two yellow eyes with red eyelids appear just above the waterline and for a second I freeze.

    I feel the frug on the other side shake, "that's your sister, dummy, she's come to say goodbye."

    Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

    Click Back Button to Start with Book One

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