in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello hive community! I hope you are all doing well. Let me introduce myself with this collection of photos. Let us start with the basics, of course. I am not your typical teenage boy. I don't drink alcohol and smoke -- instead, I love spending my spare time binge-watching "old movies" on the couch and eating whatever I can see in the fridge 😁 when I am bored, I play some good music and sing in our karaoke. Some say that's boring. But for me, it's just pure solace.

    Since I am in tenth grade now, I am a little bit busy with my studies but I make sure that I can still do my hobbies. One of these is playing basketball once in a while. I love playing this sport because I am able to meet different people in every place or court that I visit.

    Sometimes when I can't find good old movies to watch, I play mobile games with my friends and cousins or even play in the computer shops where we play group games on these computers called "piso-net". Oh how fun it is to play games with my friends, it makes me happy and less distressed about being a senior in high school.

    I also love riding my bicycle during weekends where we can go nature tripping just by riding our road bicycle. There are times where my cousins and I went to far places to visit beautiful scenery and swim in the river or falls outside the province using my road bicycle. Nature tripping is a good way to escape from everything so we do this everytime we are stressed or overwhelmed by our surroundings. Riding my bicycle gives me so much fun especially when I am riding with my cousins or friends.

    I have to highlight this special moment of my life. Once, I had a very nice and adorable dog. He goes wherever I go, follow me everywhere especially at night when I feel scared going out alone. His name was "Choco", he is my first pet and I loved him so much. When he was 3 years old, bad guys killed him and preyed him as a food. I was so broken hearted and saddened when he died so I decided not to have pet dogs ever in my life.

    As a high school student, I have a dream of becoming a police officer in the future. I want to pursue the dream of my parents for me. So I strive very hard not to mess my grades and also my character. I don't move recklessly and I want to make my family proud. I know it's a long way ahead but because of the support of my loving family, I am sure that I can make it in the future. That's all for the introduction of myself, thank you so much for your interest in getting to know me and the things I love. I hope we can be all friends. See you on my next blog!

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    Thankyou sir @suteru and ms @masterzarlyn28 for inviting me to the hive community.

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