in voilk •  2 months ago




    1 Peter 3:16, Deuteronomy 21:20–21, Romans 6:10, Ecclesiastes 6:12, John 8:44, Philippians 1:27, 1 Peter 3:16, Proverb 21:25, 1 Peter 3:16–17, Roman 7:12, 2 Peter 3:11, Ecclesiastes 7:20, 1 Peter 2:22, John 1:8, Roman 8:28, John 2:1, Ecclesiastes 7:20, 1 John 3:20

    It was actually another interesting service in the presence of God with the MCGI Thanksgiving service, which has led us to do what is right, which is the will of God. During the course of the service, a lot has been learned in line with the word of God, which was ministered to us by Brother Daniel Razon.

    On this occasion, 1 Peter 3:16 always teaches about integrity in line with the will of God, which has reflection over holding unto our faith, so it is quite necessary that we emulate and live a life that has to be unto our doctrine of our faith, which is of God; hence, this can only be done through having a good conscience over the thing we do, which ought to be unto Christ.

    Deuteronomy 21:20–21: Let us understand that the severity of working contrary to the will of God, which a lot of people do today, looking at how people live a careless life that is full of bad reputation, which is against the will of God; hence, being contrary to the will of God all means disobedience; hence, it is quite necessary to be in line with the will of God by being obedient, having respect for one another, and having self-control over what we do in line with the doctrine of God.

    Furthermore, Romans 6:10 lets us understand the importance of doing what is necessary and pleasant in the sight of God, and this verse lets us understand that doing what is necessary and pleasant in the sight of God always keeps us with the doctrine that is in our faith as believers, which leads us to redemption from sins of man that are not of God.

    So brethren, let's live a life that is quite emulating by being unto the wisdom, as the book of Ecclesiastes 6:12 said, which implies to us doing as much as we can within the limited time we have to spend here on earth, knowing fully well that there is a place we are after, which is the kingdom of God. Hence, this can be done just by understanding John 8:44, which places emphasis on recognizing the outcome of evil and working against it just to be unto our faith.

    So in doing all we are doing, challenges are certain, that is while Philippians 1:27 says we have to remain firm while we fight to retain our worthlessness, which has to do with discipline and having good conduct that still aligns with our faith in Christ, it is necessary that we remember that when we are off-diligence, it has a serious impact on weighing us down in our faith, which is not according to the will of God.

    So in spite of anything we are passing through in life, there is a need to endure hardship just for the sake of retaining our righteousness, which the book of 1 Peter 3:16–17 lets us understand is quite better to pass through the suffering that tends to yield a good dividend than to face the consequences of what the evil which cost a lot. So brethren, you can now see there is a need to be according to the will of God, which is quite pleasing and beneficial to us.

    Moral Lessons


    ● Romans 7:12 lets us understand that we need to fight for sanctity which,
    after being righteous and doing the good deeds, which is in line with the commandment of God.

    ● 2 Peter 3:11 advises us to always be alert over the things of the world that tend to deviate from our faith; hence, we are expected to be upright and righteous always before God.

    ● Ecclesiastes 7:20 encouraged us to be unto faith through our reliance, which ought to be unto God through humility, repentance, and as much as being unto his grace.

    ● Romans 8:28 let us know we need to trust in God and believe in him over his ultimate plan for humanity, which entails how much love he has for us and how he cares for us.

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