Summer Struggles Unveiled: A Meme Story of Heat and Woes

in voilk •  2 months ago

    created using Ai.

    I'm a bit scared this sunday is coming to an end and from next week I have final exams which I've not prepared for a minute.

    So many things going on in life and keeping balance is never easy. From next week I'll be more like a ghost studying day and night away from mobile.

    But this Sunday was mostly spent worrying about what I'm going to write in the examination hall that would get me good marks.

    Another thing to worry about is peak summer days are approaching fast and since today is Sunday I have created some of memes to tell you all why I don't like summer and prefer winter.

    Life in Summer: Expectations vs Reality

    I've seen majority of people over hyping summer like it's going to be the best part of the life, yeah! In the places where beaches, views and all that fun thing exist.

    For those people summer is the colorful one.

    But in reality summer is like that dark phase to remind how bad your life is everytime when there's a load shedding, all that sweat even after taking bath for the 100th time a day.

    One electricity outage in the town can ruin everyone day like spending day with no fan is worse and those who have AC's they realize how bad hot it is only when there's outage of load shedding.

    I don't know about your side but here load shedding happen way too often in summer.. mostly after every 1 and 2 hour, Powers gone for one hour break.

    Never see a car side mirror

    Imagine walking down the road in that boiling temperature and than you mistakenly see sun through the side mirror of a car.

    This thing hurts and happened to me couple of times.

    Only 5% of world population

    Today while doom scrolling I found out that only 5% of world population knows about crypto or have tried it which is still a lot in my opinion.

    It still is weird when you go out and ask a merchant if they accept crypto

    Most of them react like huh, I don't know what you're talking about and that feels awkward.

    Secret Third Meal at Midnight

    After dinner it just takes couple hours to digest that food and than you have those midnight cravings.

    When you somehow have money to order something and than you want to protect that at all cost

    You gotta make a deal with the delivery guy to not ring the door bell.. mom shouldn't know I've ordered food or she gonna throw me out of the home or the other case is saving that from the siblings, they are like one bite and their one bite is like the whole meal.

    Wrapping Up...

    In the end, I hope you found these memes relateable and would love to know if you love summer or which one season is your most preferred one.

    I like winter and rainy days except the part when nonstop rain brings disaster like flood and those streets.

    Anyway, I hope you are having a great sunday and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.


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    All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 28/04/2024.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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