My Actifit Report Card: March 18 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Monday, March 18, 2024 - One Mile for time treadmill benchmark - 2G - 60 minutes

    E = Endurance
    S = Strength
    P = Power


    This morning, I participated in an invigorating Orangetheory Fitness group workout, featuring a one-mile treadmill benchmark, the last one miler benchmark was on January 22. It was also before my hamstring injury so I ran that one, but unfortuntely I have had to power walk the last couple of weeks so I had not choice but to do the same today.

    The hamstring strain is still visible and I still feel it, but I'm struggling less so that's a positive:

    The session commenced with a dynamic introduction on the treadmills, incorporating three escalating efforts: a 30-second push, a transition from push to all-out, and a final all-out effort, interspersed with periods of walking recovery or what our coach referred to as "base pace." This initial phase served as an excellent method for adjusting to the upcoming pacing challenge.

    Following the treadmill warm-up, we moved onto the floor for a series of activation exercises, including butt kicks, knee drive combinations, and lateral bounds, all designed to prime our bodies further before returning to the treadmills for the benchmark challenge.

    We were allocated 14 minutes to complete the benchmark and even with the bad leg I finished it in 7 minutes and 36 seconds. After resetting our monitors, we selected a pace slightly above our push pace, aiming to maintain this speed throughout the benchmark. Immediately after, we engaged in a flexible run/row segment, pairing 150 meter rows with treadmill sprints, at our chosen intensity (which bode well for me).

    The workout then transitioned to the floor for a series of unilateral exercises in a circuit format, allowing for breaks as needed. This segment was designed to be relatively gentle on the legs after the benchmark and included exercises like reverse flies, concentration curls, step downs, and deadlifts to knee raises. Following this floor block, we returned to the treadmill to replicate our initial tread block, ensuring a full-circle workout experience. The final floor block focused on core strengthening, culminating in an intense round of mountain climbers.

    This comprehensive session not only challenged our endurance and strength but also exemplified the unique and dynamic approach of Orangetheory Fitness to group workouts, ensuring a balanced and fulfilling exercise regimen.

    It's tough not putting in the sweat equity I'm accustomed to but I continue to be determined to maintain active but being smart to modify with Coach Alex's guidance some of the exercises and of course not running right now.


    The Work:

    Tread Block 1

    • 30 second push
    • 30 second walking recovery (or base)
    • 30 second push to ALL OUT
    • 30 second walking recovery (or base)
    • 30 second ALL OUT
    • Switch to floor

    Floor Block 1 (I had to take away the jumps for these and for the lateral bound to squat jump I did lateral rotation squats)

    • 30 seconds of butt kicks
    • 30 seconds of 1-2-3 knee drive combo
    • 30 seconds of butt kicks
    • 30 seconds of 1-2-3 knee drive combo
    • 30 seconds of lateral bound to squat jump
    • Switch to tread

    Tread / Row Block - 14 minutes (I power walked of course)

    • Reset monitor
    • one miler for time (Power Walkers half distance at 4%+ incline - I went as high as 9%)
    • Record time (I did it in 7.36 minutes)
    • Repeated the following for the rest of the time left of the 14 minutes:
      • 150 meter row
      • 0.1 mile tread (I power walked)
    • Switch to floor

    Floor Block 2 - 14 minutes (I went with 15, 20 and 25 pound dumbbells)

    • Two rounds of circuit superset unilaterals:
      • 8 each x high plank single arm reverse flys
      • 8 each x single arm concentration curls
    • Two rounds of circuit superset unilaterals:
      • 8 each x single arm neutral grip step downs
      • 8 each x single leg deadlift to knee raises (this was body weight, but nevertheless I still couldn't do this so did squats using a TRX)
    • Bonus: repeat exercises as a single block
    • Switch to treadmill

    Tread Block 3 (still power walked lol)

    • 30 second push
    • 30 second walking recovery (or base)
    • 30 second push to ALL OUT
    • 30 second walking recovery (or base)
    • 30 second ALL OUT
    • Switch to floor

    Floor Block 3 - 2.5 minutes

    • 30 seconds of high plank alternating shoulder taps
    • 30 seconds of superheroes
    • 30 seconds of high plank alternating shoulder taps
    • 30 seconds of superheroes
    • Finisher: 30 seconds of high plank alternating knee drives (I went with wide leg mountain climbers as that is a much slower exercise but still very effective)





    What is the Orangetheory Everest Workout?


    What is EPOC?
    ===> Excess Post-Excercise Oxygen Consumption

    Each one of an Orangetheory Fitness workout is designed for us to spend 12 minutes in our own personal Orange Zone. This is when the magic happens. That high intensity work helps to increase our metabolism for up to 24 hours.


    We are known as Jiffy or Team Jiffy (Jimmy and Tiffany) in the Orangetheory community.


    About Orangetheory Fitness (OTF)


    What is a BOSU?

    What is a Medicine or Med Ball? OUTl-training-1229699

    What are Resistance Bands?

    What is a TRX?


    I’ve crushed 3000 PLUS Orangetheory Fitness sessions:

    I’m up to 3476
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Aerobics,Gym,Weight Lifting,Treadmill,Walking
    5.7 lb
    165 lb
    Body Fat
    34 in

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