in voilk •  4 months ago

    Greetings ! everyone. Here we go with another challenge with splinterlands (social media challenge). If you also want to participate in the challenge, then you can click here and read the guidance/ rules as per by the @splinterlands community.

    So Firstly I will tell you about the ruleset of my game. The name of the ruleset was Standard: No modification, means there is no limits to any monster there is no rule to play this battle. You can use any monster/summoner with any ability. So these was the ruleset by which I have played today's battle.

    Now I will tell you about the monster which I have selected to play this battle, and won by facing some struggle.

    My Lineup

    This is my lineup for the battle

    Magic Reflect
    Position 1
    Ujurak Mystic
    Position 2
    Mycelci Slipspawn
    Position 3
    Moxian Rebel
    Weapons training
    Position 4
    Lord Thanalor
    Position 5
    Regal Peryton
    Position 6
    Goblin Psychic
    Tank Heal

    So this was the monster which I have choose to play the game and won it after the selection of monster. The game was of total 99 mana cost , so I can choose any summoner/monster I want. But still I have choose this monster to play the battle.

    Now I will tell you about the battle which I have played and there were some strategy to win this game,
    ROUND 1

    As the round starts all the summoner gave the power to their particular monster. And after getting the power all started attacking on each other. So the opponent monster also have the MYCELCI SLIPSPWAN and the monsters start attacking on him because his speeding ability was more than others. So my monster attack on him un-till he was eliminate from the game. Then the opponent monster start attacking on my monster too, and he was also eliminate from the game. Then my first position monster was also attacked by the opponent and he was also eliminate in a single attack. So I lose 2 monster in this round and opponent lose only 1 monster. This round consist of 20 attacks. Here the round ends, Let's move ahead to next round.

    ROUND 2

    If you see that my second position monster was also weak and he was also eliminate from the game after getting attack by the opponent in a single attack. Then my 3rd position monster was very strong and the opponent first position card was also week and he was also eliminate from the game. Now in this round too even I have lose 1 monster and even opponent too. So after this round the opponent have 4 monster and I have 3 monster. So let's see who will win the battle.

    ROUND 3

    If you see the health of regal peryton (opponent) it was very low. And even though he attack on Lord Thanalor but the goblin psychic gave him health by +2. And then the opponent regal peryton was also eliminate. Then his next monster was also very weak so he was also eliminate from the battle in a single attack. Now the opponent have 2 monster and I have still 3 monster. So now we can judge who will win the battle.

    ROUND 4 & 5

    The goblin Psychic health was low and regal peryton attack on him by 2 and then Lord thanalor attack on him by 4 and he doesn't get ant chance to attack on my monster. And now there is a last monster left and he was also attacked by my monster with magic reflect and his shield was useless. And here I have won the game by facing some struggle.

    If you want to see the full battle, here I am sharing the link you can click and see the whole battle, all the strategy and ruleset, mana cost etc.


    So the reason behind the selection of magic reflect is, that they did not attack on shield they attack on health of the monster. And the mistake I have overcome today with that I should not put the weak monster in front. I have to keep them in front so the monster which have Tank heal ability they can give health to the first position monster. But yeah! we should also put one strong monster at back for emergency situation. And you should also choose the monster accordingly to the summoner you have choose or you can not take the advantage of the power given by the summoner. So the main point is that if the game is with big mana cost then you should choose the monster wisely and which you are familiar with them.



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