in voilk •  3 months ago

    ... And the story begins

    How can you do this to me! Bolanle echoed. as she stood dumbfounded at the sight of her groom with her twin sister on his their soon to be matrimonial bed. In her entire life she has never felt more betrayed. She was not supposed to be in Wole’s house that moment but she needed to inform him of the new development and she wanted to do that in person. But she met the unexpected seeing her twin sister in a crazy sex position with the love of her life. They had probably had rounds of sex. Her heart skipped a beat at first and the next was an increase in pulse. Her heart felt tightened like she was being choked. Her eyes became blurry and she fell hitting her back against the fluffy cushion in Wole’s bedroom. Wole didn’t flinch when she made that statement, rather he went numb and thought he was in one of the funny ones he usually have. He felt he needed to wake up if it was a dream. He opened his mouth and his face projected a shocking reaction, he tossed Tolani aside when he saw his bride fall in such manner then he realized she had fainted. He carried her head on his palm as he continually call her name. now he didn’t know what to do. It was midnight, he was naked with two sisters. What should he do was the question that kept banging in his head. Tomorrow is his wedding, people are likely to find out what happened if the wedding is not successful. He hurried to his wardrobe and picked a robe . He carried her pass through the room to the car and in less than twenty minute they were in the hospital.
    Tolani was there shocked too. What was she thinking? She screamed and held her head in a frustrating manner, of course the room vibrated. She imagined what could happen next and she became terrified. How would she face Bola again she thought, she was not trained this way, Iyabeji didn’t train her like this. She never thought a day will come and her sister would become terrified of her. She and Wole have been having sex for two years now. Wole finds her sexually attractive and feels Bola is a wife material because of her personality. They have had sex just thrice for four years. Those times Bola would feel so bad for doing something like that. So he barely disturb her for sex since he was getting premium sex from Tolani. Bola was very reserved and always hammered fornication as a gravely sin that should be avoided by a Christian. But Wole is not the type of guy that can abstain. He has always been sexually active. Tolani met Wole in a party that he attended alone. They got close that night and alcohol aided their intentions. Tolani and Bola are not identical so it was not a case of wole taking her for his Bola. They started first with long stares then prolonged ones which led to Wole admiring her hair and lipstick. They kissed and boom the journey to rounds of sex started. Their first sex was in the restroom in the lounge. They had a quickie and wanted more so they drove to a nearby hotel to get a room so they could satisfy themselves. It was like they had not had sex before. The feeling was new and the magic that happened was unexplainable.
    In the middle of Wole’s bed, Tolani sat down naked, no clothes were covering her. This is what pleasure has caused her, she has ruined her relationship because she couldn’t control her own body, she imagined what she would tell people when news get out. Tomorrow is her sister’s wedding but here she is sitting in the middle of the groom’s bed. She gathered energy and stood up from the bed, she looked for the dress they had flung excitingly when she was about to get down with Wole. She doesn’t even know where Wole has taken her twin. So she decided to wait, she picked her phone and called her mum. Dicones Omotosho. That was her resolution, she knows she could not run from her mum’s wrath now, most importantly Gods wrath so she called her mum and explained everything to her. Dicones Omotosho bursted into an uncontrollable tears. This was too much for her to bear, her own children sinning this way. She asked her to remain at Woles place so she could go and meet Bola in the hospital so she called Wole and informed him about coming to the hospital. At first Wole got confused then became more scared when he realized she knew everything, he knew the end was near. He has messed up big time. How could he dare sleep with two sisters, he has brought nothing but dishonour to God and himself. He was restless in the hospital reception as he paced from end to end causing a mini scene. Dicones Omotosho rushed to the hospital in less than an hour and half.
    This time Bola has regained consciousness, she was pregnant. She wanted to inform Wole about this in person and boom she met the doom of her life. When she woke up, she saw Wole’s figure and tears came uninvited. Today is supposed to be the best day in her life but it turned out to be the worst. Dicones Omotosho came running to her. “oko mi” she whispered softly while hugging her tightly. Bola asked of Tolani. No one answered instead her mum asked how she was feeling and she should concentrate on getting better first. She said she was fine and the doctor confirmed too. She was advised to rest properly. Wole drove them to his apartment so they could pick Tolani and have a meeting that will decide his future with Bola. Wole opened the door to usher Dicones Omotosho and Bola in but went numb at the sight of Tolani body lying in a pool of blood. What have you done! He exclaimed, Dicones Omotosho fainted and Bola next. Wole was left with three human beings lying unconsciously in his apartment which one seem to be dead. What happens to Wole?

    Watch this space for the next episode...

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