My Daily Blog and 1st blog to this Community

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hi everyone,
    How are you.
    I hope you all are doing fine.
    Welcome to my short daily diary.

    Who I Am?

    I’m Ghulam Awais, a medical lab tech, a field worker of Family planning department .I enjoy watching movies, exploring new ideas, creating content, and connecting with like-minded people.

    Today I wake up early in the morning after offering Fajar partner I went to morning walk.
    It was a foggy morning.

    After 30 minutes walk ,some stretching and a little bit exercise I came back home.
    When I came back home my breakfast was ready.
    I went to take a shower and then ate my breakfast.
    I was ready to go to Office.

    As today is Friday it was half day at the officeit was easy day and I had only 2 clients to deal.
    After 3 hours I had a break and I went out and bought some fruits.
    I enjoyed apple and oranges with the colleagues.

    I left the office at 1 pm and came back home.
    As I mentioned it was Friday I went to Mosque to offer Friday prayer.
    After the prayer I came back home and had some rest to get energy for second shift at the Medical laboratory.
    As here in our continent it is healthy season from October to February and patient avarges remains very low.
    It was also easy day at the Laboratory.
    After 8pm I came back home and ate my meal and went on 15 minutes walk.
    Now at the time I am writing my blog I'm in my bed room Alive healthy and thriving.
    What about you?
    How was your day?

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