Dependence on external validation !

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Accepting yourself is a constantly evolving process, but it starts right now. Now is the time to recognize your worth and take the first step towards a more authentic version of yourself. Let's take a moment to think about it. Have you ever considered that if someone disapproves of you, the problem might lie within them?

    Often, disapproval is a mirror of your own beliefs. It's true that sometimes disapproval can be the result of a mistake on our part, but that doesn't make us a defective person, does it? It doesn't call into question our value as a person, and even in the case of a proven mistake, the other person's negative reaction should be limited to a specific behavior, without affecting your intrinsic value as an individual.

    Receiving approval is a pleasant, natural and healthy reaction. On the other hand, disapproval can leave a bitter taste, which is only human. The real problem comes when we become dependent on external validation and the need to please.

    If you find it hard to accept and love yourself, don't worry, you're not alone. In fact, it's one of the evils of the century, this lack of love we tend to have for ourselves. And the reason it's so widespread is simply that we haven't been taught to have good self-esteem. So, the good news is that it's possible, at any age, to open our eyes to our worth and learn to love ourselves. Not only is it possible, it's also important, because it all starts with self-love. How can we love others properly if we don't love ourselves? It's complicated. How can we love our lives when we don't love ourselves? It's impossible.

    We are with ourselves from morning to night. If I don't love the person I am, then I don't love the person with whom I share a large part of my time. In my opinion, learning to love ourselves is our first mission in life.

    Stop comparing yourself! Comparing yourself to others is really poisonous. It's something that kills our self-esteem. We spend all our time looking to see if we're better or worse than our neighbor, sister or brother-in-law, and it causes a lot of suffering.

    Imagine for a moment that a bird compares itself to a fish. He'd probably think he's no good because he can't even swim. And in doing so, it would forget the talent it possesses to fly, whereas the fish is not capable of doing so.

    And it's exactly the same for us. We all have different abilities and talents. And by constantly trying to compare ourselves to others, by constantly pointing out what they do better than us, we don't exploit our own potential.

    So, the next time you catch yourself in the act of comparison and it gets you down, I invite you to cut the comparison short and remember that you have your own qualities, your own identity, and that it's simply different from the other person. This doesn't mean you're any less good all round, just like the bird and the fish, who are both different and talented in their own field.

    I invite you to spend some time with yourself. We're often so fast that we don't spend much time alone. In fact, as human beings, we chase after solitude. Inevitably, since it brings us back to ourselves. We're in our own company. It's a good question to ask ourselves, by the way. Do I like being in my own company? For me, there's a direct link between our self-esteem and the way we deal with solitude and silence.

    I invite you to test a moment of solitude and silence. Make room for these moments of one-on-one time with yourself, just to stop running away from yourself, just to spend a few moments with yourself.

    Thank you very much for reading. See you soon in a new article !

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