Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #969

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

    The Details

    Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

    There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


    Author: @edwardstobia

    Alice: Subservience (Review )

    The plot is based on a typical American family living in the midst of a health crisis as mother and wife Nick (Michele Morrone) parents two children. A newborn and a beautiful daughter named Isla who is played by Matilda Firth. In the family emergency and the little time at home for Nick, he decides to acquire an android for the household chores and thus, to have a little more tranquility at home opts to accept the proposal of his daughter and buy Alice, who will become his housekeeper but as the days continue to pass Alice begins to get attached to its owner and that is where it begins to unleash a series of various twists and turns.


    Author: @suezoe

    The Addams Family (2019) / Los Locos Addams (2019)

    As for the plot, the Mazurka part (the tradition of sabers that involves Pugsley), didn't really catch my attention, but instead, I really liked the plot regarding Wednesday and Parker, a girl who is forced to behave in a "perfect" way. I like how both girls develop a kind of friendship after feeling trapped by their mothers' demands and how they try to rebel. In fact, this was the reason why I liked the movie, since it reflects quite well how people's criteria is what makes something "normal" or "strange."


    Author: @veneciabia

    My opinion on we need to talk about Kevin: Is a psychopath born or made?

    In this curious film we meet a rather peculiar family, where we begin by introducing us to the mother, Eva, who struggles to understand the reasons behind the terrible act committed by her son, Kevin. This story follows a thread where there are many jumps, and we only get to find out the hardest and most difficult things until the end. Eva, with initial doubts, decides to have a child and soon realizes that Kevin is a different child, with an enigmatic personality and possible unknown personality disorders


    Author: @belemo

    Baki Hamma vs Kengan Ashura Review

    To be completely honest, my only issue with the movie is that it came out as a movie, rather than a three season series. It felt like the producers tried to squeeze everything into the movie, ensuring all the notable characters in both sides have their moment.


    Author: @byebyehamburgers

    Day 2381 | Finished Watching Silo Series!

    I ended up watching 7 episodes of the Tv Series Silo which made me fully catch up to the latest one Episode 3 of Season 2. So far I highly enjoyed this one and I will be switching over to watching 1 weekly episode from here on out. From what I understand it is released each wednesday. Season 1 ended with a big cliffhanger while it also pretty much gave all the answers I was looking for. The first 3 episodes of season 2 also were quite interesting so I'm happy to continue watching even thoug a lot of the mystery is kind of gone and I'm not sure in what direction they will be going to spark that again. So I enjoyed it for what it is especially the first 2 episodes and the ones later in the season where things came closer to actually getting answers. I still Rate 3 Body Problem and for sure From above Silo but it's certainly worth a watch.


    Author: @yulilemus

    Pimpinero: sangre y gasolina, is this movie worth seeing? 🎞️🍿

    The story focuses on three brothers who are dedicated to pass gasoline from Venezuela to Colombia across the border, this is illegal so it is an extremely difficult task, the smuggling business has been happening for years in our borders but to tell the truth I had no knowledge so close to what is lived here, following the story of the film, the laws begin to change and actions are being taken to stop this illegal transportation of gasoline and that's when the brothers begin to have many obstacles, Besides there are more people dedicated to this and with much more power, Moisés who is the older brother decided to retire, but Juan the younger brother does not want to give up and Ulises who is the middle brother went to another group of smugglers who have much more asleep with the authorities and have great power over the area, I would not want to make so many spoilers but the film has some twists in the plot that left me shocked.


    Author: @soyunasantacruz

    Level 16: A Psychological Thriller Set in a Dystopian Boarding School | Un Thriller Psicológico Ambientado en un Internado Distópico

    It is a good movie, but it is not excellent either, it has its script details and sometimes gives the impression that it was made with low budget, the special effects that were used in the bloody scenes were regular, if I had to give it a score I give it a 7 / 10, since the argument I liked and the interpretation of the young protagonist I connected with the character.



    Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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