My Weekend Trip: It's Good to Be Back at My Hometown

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello Hive Fam. It's been a while since my second blog. Let me share with you our weekend experience when we had our quick visit to my beloved hometown.

    On Easter Sunday we planned to visit the land of my origin, the City of Danao. We will relocate the important things from the house of my wife's eldest sister. Their house is located beside my grandparents' residence. At five o'clock in the morning, we fed our chickens in our small backyard poultry farm. After that, my wife and I prepared our meal for breakfast. While we're getting ready, we told our kids take a shower. After refreshing ourselves we took our breakfast at seven o'clock so that we'll be going off once we're all set.


    Rañola Beach. One of the beaches in Catmon, Cebu.

    We departed from Tabogon at eight in the morning. Along our way, we passed several beaches and since it was Easter Sunday, many folks were there to feel the vibe under the heat of the sun. It is a culture of some Roman Catholic families to gather together at the beach on Easter Sunday.

    A Filipino Rice Cake



    Two kids selling Filipino Rice Cake.

    When we arrived at Catmon Cebu, we stopped by a Filipino rice cake store. A native delicacy which is known in different towns, especially Catmon. We observed that the sellers are still kids. They are helping their parents to sell several rice cakes to support their needs. One of which is to buy their food and educational materials for their schooling.

    It is nice to see children helping their parents survive the daily unstable state. They are eager to earn to continue supporting their studies. It's a pity to think about their situation but surely they can positively face the challenges that they may encounter.

    We also observe moderate traffic as we continue our way. Many vehicles are in a rush to go back to the City to avoid heavy traffic since the holidays are about to end. Some of them are possibly coming from their respective towns in the province. Spending quality time with their families. And maybe some of them went on a short vacation to some prestigious resorts on the island.

    We Arrived at Our Destination

    After an hour and a half, we arrived at our destination. My grandparents' residence where I lived after finishing college. Beside it is the house of my wife's sister who married the first cousin of my father. We went there to get their furniture and other important things like appliance and kitchenware. She will be leaving their house for good after the death of her husband. She will now live in Tabogon, Cebu with her two daughters.

    My grandma Belen welcomed us and had a conversation with my sister-in-law. My grandma Belen is the sibling of my Father's dad. She's the only one left alive among the siblings. She is strict and frank but a loving grandma. Her husband, Grandpa Nilo helped us dismantle some tables and shelves. He will make use of them as firewood because it's already delicate and easily broken. Both of them are 71 years old but still strong and healthy. They are used to doing chores, gardening, and selling in their small store.



    Helping hand in hand to take the house funiture and appliance.

    As they begin taking the house furniture and other things out. It is painful to imagine that after so many years of hard work and perseverance to attain them, the time comes to bid goodbye to the place where lots of memories were created. They started pulling out the heavy furniture followed by the smaller ones. Some of us cleaned the inner surface of the house while others swept the fallen leaves in the front yard.

    Our daughter Jehoia was staying at our bedroom in my grandparents' house with my dad. My dad really missed her since he was once taking care of her when she was still 2 years old. They spent dedicated time as we were busy taking out the things to be brought. I told Jehoia to be a good grand daughter and have a great time with her grandpa.

    Lunchtime has come. My wife, kids, and I had our lunch with my dad's delicious soup. My kids loved the soup and they ate well to fill their hungry stomachs. While our other companions had their lunch in a boodle. They ate mongo soup and pork adobo bought by my wife from our neighbourhood. She added sauteèd eggplant and bought some cold cola for their beverage.

    After having the simple lunch. They detached the wifi cables and other electrical wires. Others helped pack the glassware with paper and put it into a box. After emptying the kitchen cupboard, it was carried and placed in the truck. Bed foams were folded and tied. Bed frames were also pulled out and placed in the vehicle. My wife asked her sister if we could just buy the water tank for us to have a regular water system in our house.


    Climbing to get a fresh coconut.

    My eldest brother came and asked if he could get some coconuts. I told him to give us some to quench our thirst. He also asked if he could get some iba or kamias fruit also known as bilimbi. He wants to add it as an ingredient in cooking salted shrimp. I jokingly told him to add pork meat to make it more delicious. He answered he didn't have money to buy meat and he'd just add the bilimbi fruit.



    My uncle's basketball court.

    While they were busy completing cleaning the area, I went to the house of my grandma Belen. There I took a photo of the newly built basketball court of her son, the cousin of my dad. Uncle Raniel is working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. While he was away from home, he created a basketball court where he could play with his friends during vacation. My grandma told me that there will be an upcoming basketball game as one of the events for the feast celebration in our Barangay zone.

    Bid a Goodbye


    As we are about to leave, we made sure that everything is set. I told my brother in law if he wants to have puppies from our dog jiji. He said yes so I asked my dad to give us two puppies which I forgot to take a photo. The white and brown puppies are healthy and they behave like their mother dog. We bid goodbye to my family and relatives as we go back to Tabogon. The truck left first and my in-law's car moved just behind them.

    We were travelling back to our residence. We had a fruitful conversation about our faith, known priests and their sermons, and life. My kids slept during our trip. Maybe they were tired due to the high temperature of the heat of the sun.

    We arrived in Tabogon at 3:30 in the afternoon. Many kids helped in unloading the things brought from Danao. The furniture was arranged while other things were placed in a safe room where they could be checked and organized at a slow pace.


    Tabogon Sports Complex is near DBP ATM.

    At six o'clock in the evening, they started the prayer offered to my deceased uncle. After the prayer, my wife and I went to the DBP ATM to get some money in addition to the money given by my in-laws to buy food at the market. When we got home, all of us shared the food in a banquet.

    It was a tiring yet fulfilling weekend. I hope you enjoy reading my story.

    'Til next time hive fam.
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