Some bosses you remember for good and some for bad.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello, everyone.

    I welcome you to my blog. Nothing fuels a company or organization towards progress more than when all the workers or staffs are happy. When staffs are happy, they put in the required work without waiting to be told, and the organization will experience progress even without having superiors or senior staffs to supervise the younger ones. While one thing that hinders progress is when the workspace is a toxic one, I never pray for even an enemy to ever experience working in a toxic environment, one where you have superiors who, with every given opportunity, want to make subordinates feel uncomfortable or exercise their power as superiors.

    A friendly workspace where workers are happy and don't have to be sad whenever they remember they have to go to work is one thing we all pray for and hope for, one where our efforts are appreciated and even probably rewarded. There are workspaces where you give your all and the bosses and superiors trash it like it is nothing; nothing discourages an individual like a lack of appreciation. Trust me, even in a workspace where you are being paid, a little word of encouragement from the boss or superior can keep you going sometimes even more than the pay you receive, especially in cases where the amount of work you put in outweighs your pay.

    Over the years I have been opportuned to experience working under a bad boss and a good one. I called it an opportunity because of the lessons that came with both experiences. I never knew bosses who would take you as a younger sibling existed until I worked in a sachet water producing company. He was quite welcoming and treated us like his younger siblings. Trust me, though the job was stressful and draining, I was happy to report to work every morning. Sometimes we close late, sometimes almost midnight, and he would make sure we all got home safely, and if you probably report a few minutes late, then the following day he was kind enough to understand that we were humans and not machines.

    Sometimes when customers come to make purchases and see how comfortable we are around him, they tend to ask questions. Due to how he made everyone comfortable, we all felt like family and not workers. You will be at work and feel like you are at home. One thing I loved about one of my colleagues back then is that no one took his open arms for granted as everyone carried out their duties perfectly and played their roles well. For the fact he forgives late coming did not cause anyone to make late coming a habit; workers only come late when it's inevitable and would always call to let him know why they cannot come at the right time.

    I have also experienced working under a bad boss who makes the whole workspace an uncomfortable one. During the ASUU strike that lasted 8 months, I decided to take up a teaching job instead of staying idle. The principal said as new staff my salary would be 8,000 naira but as time goes on it will be increased. The pay was not worth it, but I needed to be leaving the house since too much idleness was starting to make me think too much, and I even thought about dropping out and moving on with my life, so I needed to be busy and I took the job. Monthly pay was $9,000, but I spend $5,000 on transportation. I have not added money used for feeding or anything, so I was just doing a free job for them since I stand to benefit nothing.

    Despite this sacrifice, both the woman and her husband, because the school is being run by both of them, were a problem; they transferred aggression to whoever at any given point in time. The woman particularly talks rudely to staff, not minding who is watching and who is not; it is nearly impossible to avoid falling into either of their traps, as they always look for someone to vent their anger on. In my life, there is nothing I hate compared to being talked to rudely or being shouted at. About 3 weeks into the job, I saved myself the stress and the money and quit.

    All images used are mine.

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