Privacy, A Necessity

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Privacy, A Necessity

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    Right to privacy is one of the rights the government claims every citizen has. According to the constitution, we have the right to decide whether to keep our affairs private or not. I believe the idea is to create a balance between people who love their privacy and those who care little about it.

    Privacy is something I love so much but unfortunately, a lot of things in the constitution are just there for formality sake. I have seen security personnels harass citizens, even entering their bedrooms to arrest them for issues that are not even worth it. I believe some of you have also seen how some personnels undress people publicly, all in the name of punishment.

    Most times I tell people that this freedom we say we have is just in words, we are codedly slaves to the government. They say we are free but they still see us as suspects, and threats, behind every single right they gave us, they are somewhere secretly monitoring it.

    The internet happens to be a place most of us explore, for some reasons many loved it because they believe they can have some privacy there, not everyone wants to live an open life, some people wants to just have everything private. Someone like me, I barely even put my pictures on my social platforms.

    I love privacy, not that I want to stay anonymous to harm others but I just don't like it when people seem to know so much about me.

    Funny enough, as private as we thought these platforms are, the government also have their eyes on the things we do. I wonder why they just feel insecure they seem not to be in charge.

    No wonder, they keep fighting decentralized platforms, if they don't oversee what the citizens do, will it make them lose control over us? Certainly no, I believe that the government is like a father to her citizens but sometimes, when a parent over monitors a child, it limits the growth of that child.

    Government monitoring our activities on the internet doesn't appeal to me, I know it's supposed to be for our good but Most governments are too corrupt. Their policies seemed to be fighting against citizens who are making it on the internet.

    Once they notice people are beginning to have a better life on the internet and the government seem not to have a way to extort money from them, they will just come up with a policy that will affect them in one way or the other.

    Having our data, makes everything about us bare before them that will give them an upper hand to do whatever to come up with more bills that will set us back

    Sometimes I feel like there is literally no advantage attached to what they are doing, they are just stalking us and keeping us from growing with their strict policies that only work when people are progressing legitimately but powerless when they are doing evil things because they know that they will get their shares from it.

    I am not saying that there shouldn't be policies from the government over our affair even on social media but it shouldn't be policies that will bring us down. Remember without laws we are not different from the animals in the jungle.

    As bad as the policies look, the government's supervision over our affairs on the internet has its good sides.

    One good thing about the government having our data is that it will make it easy to trace those who want to use the internet for the wrong purpose. Nowadays that the issue of internet fraud is rampart, with the government having our data, it will be easy to trace people who are into those evil acts

    The law instills fear in people, we know that once we break them it attracts punishment, many are scared to try anything funny. That has prevented so many people from doing certain things that are not lawful on the internet and that's very beautiful. Without the government's eyes on the internet, I believe that we would have seen more drama happening on various social platforms than it is happening right now.

    If you ask me whether the government should continue to have eyes on some of the things we do on the internet, I'll say "yes," even though I don't like it. my reason is, the government is general, if we say we should let everyone enjoy their privacies, there would be chaos on the internet. People will just do anything they want not even minding its effects on others.

    Is there a way to ensure that our data is private?

    Probably yes, there is always a way out but don't you think getting that privacy might end up making thing worse? The thing is we need a good government, the type that cares much about the growth of her people, and not the type that the leaders are after their lusts. If we have such a good government, I believe everything will fall into place.

    Thanks For Reading

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