Highlights for Lifestyle and Catarsis By @soy-laloreto | Week #11

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Highlights Lifestyle Catarsis.png

    Greetings to all! Each week, I'll be choosing 5 outstanding posts that will be curated by the @msp-curation account. These posts will come from the Lifestyle and Catharsis communities.

    Without further words, these are this week's posts:

    ! [Spanish] ¡Saludos a tdos! Cada semana estaré escogiendo 5 publicaciones resaltantes que serán curadas por la cuenta @msp-curation. Estas publicaciones serán provenientes de las comunidades de Lifestyle y Catarsis.

    Sin más nada que decir, estas son las publicaciones de esta semana:

    Highlights: Week #11

    El lado negativo de ser mujer/ The negative side of being a woman [ESP-ENG]


    By @thaliaperez

    Lately the burden of being a traditional and modern woman has been overwhelming.... Freeing ourselves from the stigmas of a society used to belittle us until we prove to be capable or important enough to get respect, until they take us seriously and stop bombarding us with all this Feminism and liberal women who believe that showing their naked body or destroying a city will make changes...

    Conociendo la Basílica de Maracaibo / Getting to know the Basilica of Maracaibo - Elieska♥

    By @elieska

    When I was younger I used to travel a lot to Maracaibo and I used to pass in front of the Basilica, but as we practiced another religion it was never of my interest to enter, now that I am so interested in tourism and knowing new places it seemed to me the perfect opportunity to know inside this place so emblematic and important for the culture of my region.

    (ESP-ENG) Chronicle of a day off: What I did and learned💞

    By @yagelybr

    It started very early in the morning attending the mass for my great-grandmother's death anniversary in one of the most famous churches in my city, La Catedral, which is very beautiful inside and out. It is located near the Plaza Bolivar.

    Entrepreneur can be the best startup for any kind of starting setup

    By @cryptofairy

    Entrepreneurship development for your project can beneficial if you start it at a right time. Similarly, focusing this view point i have opened a small entrepreneurship business. It can be called as a small business but with huge expectation. This small setup defines the making of bracelets and keychains.


    By @precab

    Allergies are physical reactions to incompatibilities with an environment l, food , medicine ,etc. Allergies are mostly due to genetic, medical conditions. Allergies go from mild symptoms like rash , swells , etc , but some can be very severe and even life-threatening if not properly managed.

    And these were this week's posts. See you more next week with more great posts.

    Y estas fueron las publicaciones de esta semana. Nos vemos más la próxima semana con más publicaciones geniales.

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