The missing element

in voilk •  5 months ago


    What we mean by being kind may depend on our own perception and tolerance as well as how we actually express our kindness. We perceive affection depending on our set standards but the cultural background of each country also gets into the formula. Of course, common sense implies some basic universal social skills and those signs by which we let others know that we respect them.

    Please and thank you are words that we parents teach our children, perhaps from the very beginning. I know that every time it was unpleasant for me if my son did not say thank you to a person who gave him something or said some nice words. This was due to shyness, and because children slowly acquire social skills and express them when they feel confident enough. But what about adults?

    It goes without saying that we are educated and kind, each to his own extent, but I repeat that it also depends on other factors. I had the opportunity to meet so many different people and nationalities in the hotel where I have been playing the piano every Sunday morning for more than two years. Mainly European guests, I have to be honest, but sometimes I see Japanese people. Canadian and American guests also come to exchange a few words with me. Norwegian guests are educated but reserved; they enjoy the music and smile. Dutch, German and English guests many times come to chitchat a bit and thank for the music while they are having breakfast with those sunny views toward the sea.


    Spaniards are warm and open people and each time they stop to talk to me; they are very grateful. There were also times I got a flower or an invitation to a drink or cup of coffee, requests for a photo or a video while I played the piano or suggestions for songs. All of this is not because the music I play is out of this world or the way I play, but because people are showing a lot of kindness.

    You see, those are indeed very nice moments accompanied by smiles and good vibes that for sure give me more satisfaction with what I do. But tell me, would you get up every Sunday at 7 am because you have to get ready for work? These little details help in the part of getting up early from bed on weekends.


    Other nice details were the roses and hearts in the hotel. Yes, because of the 14th of February (hmm, they should leave this decoration for the whole year in my opinion). I had a good time today too but there is one situation that made me write down this large introduction to the main point that I wanted to highlight. You guess - kindness. Or the lack of it.

    I have no issues with playing a song that a guest asks for if I have it prepared. It doesn't happen often but why not if I am kindly asked? But... a man approached me and asked can I play the Rhapsody? Oh, I was so naive and thought it would be some of Franz Liszt's or Brahms' rhapsodies, but it was the Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, as it turned out. I don't play it as it needs to be a good arrangement to sound well played just on the piano.

    I felt a bit (but just a bit) sorry for not fulfilling the musical wish of the guest until the moment he requested me to play anything by Queen, but oh... there was a missing ingredient in his appeal. I missed that element of kindness that would motivate me to play "anything" by Queen. And it almost sounded like an order!

    So, you already suppose that there were no Queen songs today in my gig 😂 although I had there the scores of one nice piece I sometimes play, Love Of My Life. Maybe he just didn't see all those hearts and roses around. Who knows.



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