Courtesy Of Our Children...

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    I just want to ask a question today, and this question is directed at parents. What do you think your life would be like if you had the perfect children? Many of us might not know it, but a lot of the fond memories we have are usually based on tiny little flaws our children have. Some might call them weaknesses.

    But these “weaknesses” are what help make them human, and without them, I just don’t think that the parenting experience would be what it is for many people. It’s stressful, yeah. But it’s also a boatload of fun. That’s why no matter how frustrating a child is if a couple can afford it, they’ll make plans to get another.


    And for the perfect kids, let me paint a picture for you. Imagine having a baby that from the very moment they’re born, they have a sense of self. They don’t cry for no reason at all, they learn pretty quickly and are overly smart. So smart that within a couple of weeks, they have potty and bladder control. When they want to ease themselves, they simply crawl over to their potty and do their business. They won’t cry to get your attention, if it’s something they can do for themselves, you can be sure that they’ll do it.

    And as they grow older, they get smarter and more intelligent which could also translate into more independence. All they would need you for is just to provide, but they’ll do everything else on their own. They’ll never need your help in school work because they’re intelligent enough to get it done, they’re also good kids, so they’ll never get into any form of trouble. They won’t do drugs or smoke. They’re just perfect and nothing can go wrong.


    And when you think about it, you’ve not really done anything for them besides providing. They just simply learn everything themselves, and move through life like a knife through butter. Others will see them as model kids and other parents could be jealous of you, but will you really be happy about everything?

    One of the things that builds the bonds between parents and their kids is their mutual need for each other. One set needs the other as much as the other does. Children need their parents that’s why babies cry when they feel neglected, and that’s why an absent parent in a child’s life will always have a more negative effect than a dead parent. It’s the same reason why parents are always happy the first time they notice their newborn baby finally recognizes them. Or when they return from work and see everyone run up to hug them. it’s always a good feeling to know that you’re loved and wanted.


    But it doesn’t stop there, does it? We also take pride in the things we teach our children and the hurdles we help them overcome. At first, we helped them with their homework and eventually, they’d become able to do it on their own. We teach them how to swim, ride bikes, about make money… all these things get to form memories and also build bonds that will last a lifetime. And many times, we do these things not just because the kids need them, but also because it helps a lot to know more about them.

    So, I’m sure that many parents can relate to having to help their kids, but then how different do you feel your life as a mother or father would be if you never had to do all that because from a young age, your child was self-sufficient? You never had to correct them for lying, you never had to teach them how to cook or even treat their wounds when they fell. How different would your life be in that scenario?


    I guess this is the part where I say that every part of us is important and should be embraced. Parents accept you for who you are. And while no child is perfect, every child is perfect for their parents. Because whether you see it or not, every child has everything needed in them to make you a better parent just as you have everything in you to make the child the best he/she can be.

    What inspired all this talk? I overheard some mothers gisting each other in my neighborhood and they were talking about their kids. One talked about how her daughter never liked to sleep at night, she’d rather be carried and if the mother placed her in the cot, she’d wake up at once and begin to cry. So, the mother always had to carry her while she herself was sleeping on the couch. Another spoke of her little boy who seemed to have a weird love for water. Anywhere he saw water, he would either pour it all over the body or pour it all over the place―including his body.


    There were so many more, but I think you get the gist. It’s really crazy out there, I must say. But one thing I noticed was that the mothers weren’t complaining about what they were going through, they were making jokes about it and simply sharing their experiences with being a mother. I’m sure that all these will only end up being one in a long list of experiences that are yet to come.

    Well, I’m not a parent yet, so I don’t really know much when it comes to raising kids. So, it’s possible that a lot of the things I’ve said here don’t make sense. Please don’t break my head ooo, Lol. But all in all, I believe you understand what I’ve been trying to say. So, I’d ask you again; what do you think about having the perfect child?


    Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

    N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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