Getting Back for A Fight - RDR 2!

in voilk •  3 days ago


    Hi There,

    RDR 2 is such a game that you won't like anything less than this once you play it. The presentation and choice it gives are magnificent and allow me to feel it like another part of this real world.

    Here I am back with one more blog on my RDR 2 playthroughs. In this one, I will be getting back to Valentine for a good fight. Let's get into it!

    I was sitting at my campsite, enjoying the night. I thought about roaming a new place in the game or dedicating more time to finding the mysteries.

    Alright, let's get up and find something.

    Back on my horse, I still miss my Arabian horse but the new one will work for me.

    I saw a light and moved in the same direction.

    I found a lady in trouble. Her horse was dead and her legs were trapped. I helped her by raising it.

    She felt relief and asked me for another help. She wants to get back to the Valentine.

    I lifted her, but she was unable to walk. So I called my horse.

    She was a social lady and was telling me about the surrounding region.

    We got on horse and I took my lamp out. I don't want to fall as this will hurt the lady and give me negative honor points.

    She started with Valentine and soon told me the story about Emerald Ranch. In the last blog, we saw Emerald Ranch and I was still not convinced with the things I saw there.

    She told me about the conflicts going on in Emerald Ranch and about the nature of the owner.

    Within a few minutes, we reached Valentine town. She thanked me and went on her way.

    I entered a bar for a drink.

    I was welcomed by my campmates. They were trying on bar girls.

    Soon one of the members got caught in the banter and a few men came down for a fight.

    We all started a war inside this hotel. Punching dudes.

    A few of them ganged up on me but thankfully I was able to fight them back.

    Soon the big man came down and pushed me out the window.

    Within a punch, I was outside the hotel via the window. Glasses everywhere.

    My campmates couldn't help me on time.

    The big man came outside for a one-on-one fight.

    Second punch and I am down on the ground in mud. It was raining as well. This one particular scene felt like a movie to me.

    We fought for a little but he was stronger than me. He lifted me.

    And again punched me down on the ground. It was like a WWE match.
    He got on me and punched me harder.

    I threw mud in his eyes and got back on him as quickly as possible.

    This was my turn now and I kept no stones unturned. I punched as much as I could and he sooner started to bleed.

    I hit multiple times on the same spot. I spoiled his face.

    As I was about to finish the fight his gang-man intervened and begged me to stop punching.

    As it was happening in front of the sheriff, I left the fight as I didn't want to get a wanted tag on me.

    We talked out and ended this banter.

    Though this giant man gave me a good fight.

    I went on the opposite way to get myself calmed down. And this is how the war came to an end.


    • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
    • Screenshots are from the game, Red Dead Redemption 2

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