Effectiveness Of Communication In Relationships

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello everyone,
    Feels so excited to be here

    Why is love not enough for any relationship to sustain it without communication, this is one of the questions i asked myself, I am an introvert, and i find it very difficult to communicate, I love to be quiet, but i came to discover that when you are in love you will have to break of your shell, learn, unlearn and relearn, if you really desire a lasting and enjoyable relationship there should be room for effective communication. Communication doesn’t always come easy, whether it’s with a romantic partner or someone else, but it’s key to the overall success and sustainability of such partnerships, although some people have no problem communicating their needs in a clear and respectful way, others may struggle when it comes to expressing themselves—and that can make maintaining healthy relationships especially challenging.
    I recalled an incident where my brother had to scream at me, he said I was lamenting rather talking🤣, I should learn to communicate effectively and boldly, hmmmmm God will help me🫣.

    Communication is what keeps partners, friends etc on the same page and feeling like they are solving problems together rather than against one another, Every relationship requires communication—and the quality of the communication is a predictor of how fulfilling the relationship is for both people.

    As Much as love is one of the important tools in building a relationship,i discover that without effectiveness in communication it will still crash. Communication is as important as love as far as relationships are concerned, communication plays a virtual role in relationships, both with parents, siblings, and even in a marriage relationship, without effective communication, it makes the partners to be bored, and when that happens, they will find else where to receive what we've not been able to give them.
    The ability to consistently communicate effectively in a relationship can help people face challenges and hardships more productively also healthy communication helps couples, friends, parents de-escalate a situation, stay calm under stress, use humor appropriately, apologize effectively and make themselves feel heard and understood—even during very stressful moments.

    It is through communication that we get to express our feelings, pains, discomfort, etc effectively. Good communication clarifies problems and creates closeness between partners, and poor communication intensifies issues and creates distance between partners. Mostly we might focus more on the quality of communication in intimate connections and have higher expectations of romantic partners than with family or friends, but the importance of communication expands beyond that, our ability to communicate our problems in an open and honest way, resolve arguments and disagreements more readily and easily. Although communication doesn't solve every problem in a relationship, it is important as far as relationships are concerned because it brings about satisfaction, good communication alone doesn't definitively predict how happy we'll be in our relationships but good communication skills are what enhances relationships and its well-being in some ways.


    Good communication in relationships fosters a positive, supportive relationship with our partner. Forming a close emotional connection with another person and it requires a mutual give-and-take when it comes to sharing things about ourselves and listening to the other person.

    Benefits of communication in relationship

    1. It Brings About Trust and Intimacy: Trust is the basic foundation of any relationship Without trust, there is no security in the relationship, our ability to be vulnerable, honest, and open are key factors to build trust and this is achieved with effective communication which also helps to build closeness.

    2. It Helps To Resolve Conflict: Resolving conflicts requires effective communication. Often we look for who to blame rather than accessing our thoughts and feelings, focusing on our partner’s responses, reactions, or actions. Effective communication involves being curious about ourselves and our partner in the time of conflict.

    3. It Helps In Us To Respect Each Other's Boundaries: Respect is said to be reciprocated, respecting each other's boundaries in a relationship is essential because it brings understanding and accepting each other's limits, bringing about tolerance.

    Communication is just one part of a good relationship, having a happy relationship is based on effective communication. If we are happy in our relationships we are more likely to communicate well with our partners, family and our friends.
    We ought to learn to communicate effectively, because communication is what breaks barriers.

    Thank you for reading ♥️
    Still remain @pricelessudy

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