Some sounds are very annoying and irritating

in voilk •  5 months ago

    One of the sounds that I'll be forever attracted to is music, I rarely get tired of it because it's what I love doing and listening to, my love for music is just extreme and most times I use it to kill boredom and to some extent I believe music is life.
    Nevertheless, there are some certain kinds of sounds that irritate me so much one of them is the sound or noise in the market, which is one of the reasons I don't like going to the market even right from my tender age, the noise pollution there is something else and how it's always being jam-packed with crowds and vehicles. I could remember when I was still younger that my mom would ask me to accompany her to the market, I always try my best to decline but sometimes she would make it mandatory for me or convince me that she will buy me somethings, she knows I love to hear things like that so I'll just follow her without complain. Till now I still don't like how noisy that place can be, I do my best to avoid going there.

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    One of the sounds I also dislike is the sound of a generator, maybe someone somewhere is already wondering why I'm bothered with all this little things, that's me though and that's why we're different hahaha.
    Every night my landlord will always on his generator, and that sound can be so annoying, I think the generator has fault though, sometimes the sound gives me headache, but we're in Nigeria where we see things like this as a normal thing. In Nigeria some people believe you should be use to the noise of a generator, because it's virtually everywhere, light is not stable and even the electricity distribution company make use of generator.
    Moreover I can't really complain because it's his house and then I also benefit from it, that's where I charge most times, it saves me the stress of looking for where to charge or going to where I will have to pay some money before I can charge.

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    However out of all the sounds that irritates me, I still think the most annoying is the sound of Mosquitoes. Ahh, those creatures can be really annoying, God forgive me, there's no need for debate or any other thing, it's actually the sound I hate the most, even though we're in heat period at the moment, everywhere is hot and everyone is complaining. Presently I'm feeling the heat and sweating as I'm typing this, because there's no light to power my fan, despite that, I still in a way prefer this heat to being disturbed by mosquitoes, because with that I won't even be able to sleep at all.
    There's a way those mosquitoes sounds that makes them so annoying, they come close to your ears and start singing some songs that you won't even understand hehehe and if you try kill them with your hands you're just disturbing yourself cus you might end up giving yourself some dirty slaps, I think the best way to get rid of them is by using with mosquito repellant.
    So for now, the sound of Mosquitoes still remain the most annoying sound the irritates me the most.


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