Conceive!...a five minute prompt.

in voilk •  last month


    Anytime the word conceive comes up, the first idea in our heads is pregnancy, hence the image I attached but I want to shift our focus to conceiving something other than pregnancy. Although, it can be used as an expression of being pregnant because conceiving an idea can be expressed as being pregnant of ideas.

    So I want to concentrate on conceiving ideas in mind, and not literal pregnancy. It is really not easy to conceive an idea, especially when you are surrounded by people who do not believe in what you are doing. Sometimes you might even be discouraged especially if it is about something that has never been done before.

    The world needs innovators, people who can conceive things that has never been dreamed of. The thing is, no one knows we need something until it is available to us. So, we use what we have until something better comes.

    The fact that an idea was conceived does not mean it would be worked on, sometimes the idea dies at the conceiving stage. But with strong will and commitment, we can see the idea come through.

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