Maquillaje sutil para Creative Summit Day 😌💐| Subtle make-up for Creative Summit Day 😌💐.

in voilk •  last month


    Versión en Español ✨

    Hola mi comunidad linda de Makeup Power

    Hoy les traigo este hermoso look que me realicé para el Creative Summit Day, un evento que tuvimos acá en Barquisimeto y yo tendría un espacio como ponente para hablar y enseñar a nuevos usuarios a usar @liketu

    Cómo debía mostrar mi perfil y hablar de contenido en Hive quise realizarme un maquillaje sutil que destacara y tuviera congruencia con lo que estaba mostrando en mi blog pero que tampoco robara la atención, ya que mi prioridad era que comprendieran toda mi ponencia.

    Realicé un clásico maquillaje social con sombras satinadas y tono naranja de transición, ilumine el lagrimal y los labios fueron un tono rosa vieja para darle mas calidez al look, no realicé delineado ni apliqué pestañas por el motivo antes expuesto.

    Pude realizar mis facciones y mostrarme profesional, este look puede llevarse tanto a eventos de dia como de noche y ed ideal para aquellas chicas que no les gustan los maquillajes muy cargados.

    ¿Que les parece este look? ¿ Para que tipo de evento lo llevarían?

    English Version ✨

    Hi my beautiful community of Makeup Power

    Today I bring you this beautiful look I did for the Creative Summit Day, an event we had here in Barquisimeto and I would have a space as a speaker to talk and teach new users how to use @liketu.

    As I had to show my profile and talk about content in Hive I wanted to do a subtle make-up that would stand out and have congruence with what I was showing in my blog but that wouldn't steal the attention either, as my priority was that they would understand all my presentation.

    I did a classic social makeup with satin shadows and orange transition tone, illuminate the tear and the lips were an old pink tone to give more warmth to the look, I didn't apply eyeliner or eyelashes for the reason mentioned before.

    I was able to realize my features and look professional, this look can be worn for both day and night events and is ideal for those girls who don't like heavy make-up.

    What do you think about this look? What kind of event would you wear it for?

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