in voilk •  4 months ago

    This post is an entry to the BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge!



    Description: All units gain the opportunity ability which allows them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team.

    The Battle


    Battle RulesetsDescriptionInfo
    EVEN STEVENSOnly Monsters with even Mana costs may be used in battles.There are no special tricks for this ruleset, but having an idea of the mana points of a few monsters helps in predicting what your opponent can and cannot use.
    EARTHQUAKENon-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.Using monsters with Flying or Heal is the trick for this ruleset, but if you are unable to choose such monsters, use monsters that have high HP and high damage. Don't keep heal units up front. Shield has a very important role. Keep monsters with Flying in the last positions when the Earthquake has done enough damage to both sides.
    EQUAL OPPORTUNITYAll Monsters have the Opportunity ability.Speed and HP are the trick here: higher speed will let you target the enemy's low HP monster first, opening the way for your slower monsters to deal damage to higher HP enemy monsters. Keep lower HP monsters in front. Monsters who have two attack types should always be preferred. Keep lower HP monsters in front. Monsters who have two attack types should always be preferred.


    This was my last favorite tournament, the Begginer Diamond game with high mana and earthquake and even cards.

    Lux Vega - My most used summoner. +1 Armor is a great to help against Earthquake.
    Arkemis the Bear - My best natural big tank, armor and halfling ability good for almost every game. Armor was especially important in here.
    Queen Mycelia - The best Earth support monster in the modern league, the armor was the best.
    Iza the Fanged - I think she was my worst selection, but was not a problem. See it later.
    Drybone Raider - Double strike is a very good ability, and also has armor destructor skill.
    Ava the Undaunted - Another great armor destructor.
    Fungus Fiend - Earth filler of the game.

    Battle - Replay


    Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

    Yes. It was a 100% percentage game, but maybe I select some more flying units next time.


    Battle Results


    Tournament Results

    This was my last tournament before the great tournament changes. And it was a not bad result for the last time.


    Do you like EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ruleset? Why or why not?

    Yes. With our lineup can control the enemy's attack order, this a good strategy thing.

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