Living a life with Separated Parents

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello everyone! It's me again and for today's post, we'll talk about Family.

    In life, we believe that family is the main foundation of every individual and there's nothing greater than it. Where all labels of love and comfort are coming from. However, I also believe that life is not fair for everyone and there are stories that were never told by those who suffer from it.

    For today's blog, I'll be sharing my story with everyone about the life I had with my family. And to be more honest with this, it was really hard and frustrating. Restless nights and crying might be considered normal to me. It so happens that the separation of my parents caused the burden to me which I never really intended to carry in the first place.

    Photo from Pixabay

    Before everything happened, our family was once a happy family tree. The love and the sacrifices are there. You can really tell that we're a happy family. But the good deeds ended in an instant. It ended in the most unexpected way.

    My parents separated and it's been 13 years and counting since they parted ways from each other. That separation affected us three siblings. My brother learned how to use drugs. Now he has 4 kids. At an early age, he suffered the lack of attention which led him to seek for it on his own ways without minding the restrictions. My little sister got all the love and feeling of being spoiled. Everything went her way and she got everything that we could've need. Me? Suffered the trauma and the burden left by my parents. I was never the favorite yet I still strive to love them and help them in any ways I can.

    For the last few years, I've been suffering the thought that I was the retirement plan of my parents. I never would've wanted to work hard while I'm studying but I just always put in mind that there are purpose for everything that's happening to me. Yes, a lot of times that I had to be rude and everything to protect and defend myself believing that I was not on the right time and age to suffer the consequences of their separation. Yet, I kept on waking up each and everyday knowing that the battle is still on and waiting for me to continue the fight.

    A lot of times I asked myself if I should give up already but I never thought of it as the resolution towards everything. At the end of the day, no matter how I wanted to give up and no matter how many sleepless nights I'll suffer, I'll just have to keep going.

    This is it for me guys for this post. I hope I was able to capture your hearts in this challenging story of my life. Before I close this post, I'd like to leave a note to always keep the family strong and keep the foundation of yourself strong too! It can help you a lot. Thank you so much for your time spent in reading my post. I appreciated it a lot!

    God bless y 'all!

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