Day of 2024-04-20

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Yesterday was a whirlwind as I finally found some time to reflect on the past week. The office had been buzzing with activity, and I had my hands full with various business meetings that seemed to consume every spare moment. Despite the hectic schedule, I hadn't been able to carve out time each day to recap, leaving me feeling a bit overwhelmed. However, I knew that taking a step back to review my progress would be crucial for maintaining focus and staying on track.

    In terms of investments, the past week brought some exciting developments on Hive-Engine. I managed to score some incredibly cheap INDEX tokens, and if I can sell them at my target price, I stand to make a significant profit. The prospect of earning a couple of thousand bucks from this transaction is incredibly enticing and adds an extra layer of excitement to my day. Not to mention the daily drips INDEX brings to one's wallet.

    On the business front, I'm thrilled to report that I'm just 1% away from reaching the revenue volume of 2023, and it's only April. This early success is a testament to the hard work and dedication I've put into my endeavors, and it's incredibly rewarding to see it pay off so quickly. It also fuels my ambition to continue pushing forward and striving for even greater achievements in the future.

    Amidst the hustle and bustle of work and investments, I made sure to prioritize my furry friend and continue our evening walks. With the exception of Wednesday and Thursday, when other commitments got in the way, I made a point to hit the pavement with my dog each evening. These walks serve as a welcome respite from the chaos of the day and allow me to unwind and clear my mind while enjoying some quality time with my loyal companion.

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