I don’t want to live forever

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Life is so interesting. Today I attended a lecture about life and how we humans had to live our lives without knowing what our fate had in place for us. It was so mind-blowing and I got to learn a lot from it.

    Don't we wonder why some people leave the world so early at a young age? And some would even grow older till they are almost overaged. Many times when we lose good people around us, someone who we aren't so much concerned about will live longer than expected.

    Haven’t we had thoughts about why someone would be filthy rich and the person next to him would be so poor? Many times when we have to battle with our unknown fate, a lot of things come to mind.

    I could remember at times when I asked myself, am I even destined to live long in life? Or even leave the world at a young age? Of all these, only one thing is certain about all of us. And that's the fact that death will come to take us someday, somehow and somewhere. No matter how much we run away or hide from it.

    What if I am given an offer to live for eternity?

    Oooh! A life where I would have to live forever?? And see all of my loved loved ones gone right before my eyes? Isn’t that not a life filled with pain and agony? A life of misfortune and suffering?

    I only see this happening in movies and those immortals would happen to have experience with a lot of pains with memories that erupt from the lives they have lived in the past. And even the pain of not being able to taste death is just another thing entirely.

    We can’t appreciate death coming to take us one after the other, but in the real sense that’s part of what makes life a better place for everyone, when the rich are no more, the poor will also be no more, the Good Samaritan will become a story and the evil doers will also become a history. All of these are what makes the revolution.

    I won't take the offer to live till eternity in this world we find ourselves in. The pain will just be too much. I also want to live my life, make an impact, and leave my name written in the sand of time. That's the life everyone would want to live.

    Though our perspective on which we might need to live varies, I see no value in living so long over generations. Even at some point now when you live so long you might even become a burden on people.

    Lastly is the fact that knowing you are going to die alone is one reason not to take the world on your head. When we remember that some have lived just like we did and are no more. Having an eternal life might be a reason to live wrongly since there is an assurance over death.

    Header Image from Pixabay; Image from Pixabay


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