Spring market in a perfect sunset. 🌺

in voilk •  3 months ago


    These last few days are the ones in which the arrival of spring has been most noticeable. The weather is warmer, there are more daylight hours, it gets dark later and the time change has taken place.

    This totally changes the views, the landscapes and the number of daylight hours is greater, which means that walks can be longer or take place later in the day.

    But spring has not only been noticeable in the weather, where it was 28 degrees yesterday, but also in the atmosphere and the decorations.

    Walking through the city I headed for the flea market on pier one. It is always in constant movement, changing and not only the stalls but also the decorations. That is something that attracts a lot of attention.


    When I approached the place it seemed that spring was all concentrated there.



    The decorations with pergolas and flowers were majestic and so pleasing to the eye that I didn't want to leave.



    The pergolas were decorated with leaves and flowers of both lilac and white wisteria. I couldn't resist touching them, they were made of fabric, but they looked so real.

    The space dedicated to the decorations was so large that it made me want to walk through it all.

    In the meantime, around this space, there were various stalls or stands with a variety of products.



    Many of them were selling clothes, more and more in keeping with the weather, with lots of colour and brightness.




    There were also places selling hats, those never go out of fashion. There were also scarves and handbags of all kinds and models. So many beautiful things there.



    One of the stalls I liked the most was one that sold Andalusian tiles with different writings to put on the front of a house, on the façade, or in an interior patio.

    The writings were very original, as if they were a sign and the one I liked the most was the one that said: El rincón de los sueños. It would be ideal for when I have my little house with a garden.


    There is never a shortage of stalls with key rings, souvenirs and pictures for the fridge, in the most varied shapes, styles, colours and motifs.


    I was surprised by this stand of ... ducks. It was all about ducks. It is possible that there are people who like ducks a lot.


    These lavender decorations reminded me of stories my mother tells me about my great-grandfather. I couldn't resist taking a picture of them. They were on almost every post decorating the stalls.


    I love rings, maybe next time I'll buy one, I like them too much.


    The view of the promenade was calling me, it always does, the sea and the palm trees are irresistible, but I wanted to continue seeing the market and its surroundings.



    A delicious aroma was coming from one of the stands, they were selling essences and incense. There were also some very particular little houses. Again I met fairies and goblins on my walk. They are never missing. Do you see them? There they are inside the little houses.



    The market is surrounded by a large number of food stalls, but above all by coffee shops, all of them beautiful, nicely decorated and with a view of the sea. Beware, coffee is a bit expensive there.



    In this stall they had some excellent promotions, very beautiful pendants and bracelets, with good combinations, very elegant. I quite liked them for a special outing, what do you think?


    When I looked back, the sun had already gone down a bit more and the centre of the flea market looked more dreamy.



    The fan stalls were not to be missed either, even hand-painted, really original and colourful. A very colourful stall.


    The sun was shining on the buildings around me and I love those views.


    A short walk along the promenade with the sole aim of getting to a specific point.


    This is the spot. Just the right spot to see a wonderful sunset.


    I waited a few minutes, something like ten minutes or so and the view changed completely, wonderful.


    My return to each was filled with lights starting to turn on, next to the fountain in the Plaza de la Marina.


    And being situated in the same place as the previous one to my left I had this beauty to say goodbye to a lovely walk full of colour, handicrafts, sunset and magnificent weather.

    Thank you all for joining me on this beautiful walk. Best wishes to all of you and see you next time.

    All photographs are my own.

    Separador Amonet rosa.png

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