Is this the weirdest thing of Cyberpunk 2077? And I found the Prettiest Futuristic Lady.

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Did you ever fall for an NPC in a game? It may sound crazy, but I'm falling for this lady who seems to be the prettiest lady in Cyberpunk 2077. Be cautious, don't let my wife know what I just said or she'll kill me cause I'm allowed to fall only for her. So, yeah I found the weirdest thing and the prettiest lady in Cyberpunk 2077; both happened in the same bar.

    @itadori-yuji, that's the threat that I couldn't take down last time and I quit playing for the time being, and when I had time to give the game another try last day, I almost got her and you can see her face as well (just zoom the pic) but still, I couldn't take her down so I left her there as I wished to progress with the main story.

    I was driving my car towards Lizzie's Bar where I should get going with the main story and I found an assault on my way when I was going for a long drive intentionally and I stopped there to stop the assault. I noticed the punks were torturing someone inside there and I was surprised to see such a situation, right beside the highway as this should be a highly secured city.

    I fought them alone using the only handgun I could use though I had many better weapons in my inventory but I don't know why I couldn't use them. It was a little tough to take down all those people alone and they damaged my car badly as I was using the car as a cover.

    After taking them down, I went close to the place where someone was being tortured but there was no one, I just looted anything I could from them.

    Leaving my car behind, I took this super car which probably belonged to the punks that I just took down. This car had great speed though I could handle it properly.

    And I reached Lizzie's Bar after a good drive though the condition of the car was not good anymore after this quick ride, lol.

    I found that Harley Quinn-Type lady quite amusing there and she had another one with her and they were the guards of the door. To be honest, I find these ladies attractive in this game, I don't know why. So, after a quick chat, they let me in.

    Now, this was the reception room and the weirdest part starts from here. Look, that man on the right side. Yeah, your right side. Not the one wearing the hat. Just remember the face, ok?

    Now I just entered the open part of the bar that looked so colorful and this place didn't attract my attention only. Look at the NPC closest to the screen, it's the same man that I asked you to remember the face.

    This is an area where people were chilling freely when some of them were dancing, some of them were smoking, some were drinking. Hold on, is that the same NPC sitting in the left corner? What about the one sitting in the right corner? LOL.

    And man, I found the same NPC again on this upper floor, and look he had another copy right behind him and all of them were even wearing the same outfit. This is the weirdest thing I was talking about. The game designers were too lazy (probably lazier than me) that they didn't give thought to such things that they might be noticeable.

    I'm focusing on a single NPC here when there are a couple more NPCs in the same bar with multiple copies all around.

    I was exploring the bar even more and found the door of this room was open and I even found some loot inside which I guess was another mistake of the game developers.

    I found the DJ of the party there and it was so easy to get to her though she was not free to talk as she was busy dancing and playing music.

    Now I found this lady was wearing goggles which probably is a futuristic VR set and I noticed a lot of people in this bar were wearing such goggles. And look at the lady next to her who was wearing a yellow suit with a pink jacket.

    Look, the same lady was inside a private cabin close by where two people were using the goggles as if they were in a very bad situation, an 18+ situation.

    That's the place where the bouncer was waiting for me whom I was going to talk about looking for a lady named Evelyn. I went too close to him.

    And this lady stole my whole focus and she's the lady I was talking about who seems to be the prettiest lady in this game. Of course, the right-sided one. I was just looking at her when the bouncer was staring at me in the weirdest way, lol.

    After checking out the prettiest lady, I noticed this man with a huge body was smoking alone there and I captured this SS when he was smoking.

    And at last, I went to talk to the bouncer and after asking about Evelyn, he said he couldn't look for her around and asked me to find her myself.

    That's when this lady started talking to me who was sitting right beside the prettiest lady I was talking about, and this lady was Evelyn whom I was looking for and she came to me willingly hearing my conversation with the bouncer.

    ** The End **

    "Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

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