injection of joy
injection of joy
infection of joy
infectious joy
joy is infectious
I tend to think most feelings are infectious. If one is feeling joy and shares even just a joyful smile with someone else, that usually feels pretty good. If one is feeling cranky and broods at someone else, that feels cloudy and cold. Isn't that something, how feelings can impact one another? It's like, we just need to love. We just need to love ourselves as we are, we just need to love others as they are, but we're always trying so hard to change ourselves and others. And didn't I just quote that book, about change being inevitable, but how it can be shaped? So shouldn't we try to shape the change we see in ourselves? So yeah, but just by loving and accepting ourselves. And by learning. We can shape the way we change by always being curious and trying to learn from the world, from others, from ourselves. But we don't need to try and force ourselves into fitting some ideal version of what we think is the "right" way to be a person or to live. Because there is no one right way, or maybe the only right way is by doing no harm. Don't harm yourself, don't harm others. I think I saw a moth in Lochlan's room this morning, the same kind as I found in the bathroom last night. Well, the one in the bathroom, I actually noticed it the day before yesterday, but it wasn't until it was in a new spot in the bathroom that my brain fully realized it was, indeed a moth.
The timer just went off, but I want to say a little more about this moth. I didn't realize it was a moth, at first, because it looks so different from any moth I've seen before. It's called Lineodes integra, or eggplant leafroller moth. When it's sitting, resting, it rolls its body up and while its narrow wings lay down and it just looks so interesting. I took it outside and got it to climb on my hand and got some good pics of it!