The special cafe is only open on weekends

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello guys, long time to write something on this platform. Today I'm very happy to be back here and share some of the interesting things I've done recently. Lately I've been busy with my work every day, so I don't have much time to go out for coffee with friends and take photos.

    Last week, I worked too much, I had shoulder pain, so I had to be hospitalized for treatment. Luckily, it wasn't too serious. In the process, I spent more time for myself, I learned how to take care of myself. So, last week I spent time going to coffee with friends and confiding in each other.

    I chose a cafe near Hoi An city, it is a small cafe located in a small alley of the street. After following google map's directions, we finally arrived at our destination after 30 minutes by motorbike.

    At first, we did not know about the information that the shop only operates on weekends, we previously knew about this shop through another media channel, and I liked this shop because of its extremely warm and poetic style, so I decided to go to this coffee shop when I was free. I was extremely wondering why such a beautiful shop was only open on weekends. After meeting the owner, I boldly asked him the reason why, and he told me that he opened this cafe shop for his mother. Because he works far away, he is only free on weekends, he only opens on Saturdays and Sundays so that he can help his mother.

    The name of the shop is "30 mét vuông", it means that the shop only has an area of 30 square meters, it is quite small. Although the area of the shop is not too large, the space of the shop is decorated with a lot of green trees, and many beautiful corners for young people to come here to take photos. Because we got here quite early, when we arrived at the cafe shop, there weren't many people here. So I took the opportunity to take a few photos before it was crowded.













    Drinks here range in price from 25,000VND - 45,000VND, equivalent to 1~2$. I think this to be an extremely reasonable price for young people who want to come here to enjoy coffee and take photos. I also took a few photos to keep as souvenirs, it looked so cute. After that, more people came, so we couldn't take more pictures, we went back to the table to sit and talk until it was time to leave. I will come back with more interesting posts in next time. Hope that you have a great day! Good bye!










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