I upgrade my delegation and reached my first target for 400 zing token

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Friends, hope you all are happy and healthy. Friends, the #holozing community is slowly expanding. Many users are coming to holozing. In this period also I wanted to update my delegation on @holozing. Earlier I had delegated 50 HP and I had progressively increased this delegation to 150 HP and today I had increased my delegation to 200 HP.

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    Currently, in the holozing game, delegation is getting 16.01% APR while staking is getting 26.69% APR. Which is much higher than the APR of delegation. I have reached 400 zing token rewards so far through this delegation. Hopefully my upgraded delegation will give me even more rewards. I am progressively upgrading my delegation and staking the tokens of Holing. Since 26.69% reward is being given even on stalking, it is quite high.

    Right now, it is an easy way to earn ZING token by doing delegation and staking and it is a golden chance because gradually the APR on staking and delegation is decreasing and maybe in the future the price of the token will touch the sky, so we might not be able to buy this token easily. Therefore, now we have a golden chance to deposit the token at a lower price, otherwise we may have to buy this token at the price of gold.

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