Prompt 👉👉
The Fall of Our City
Every day in Nigeria, people wake up with hope, but they sleep with tears. Men work from morning till night, yet their pockets remain empty. Prices of food, transport, and even water keep rising, but salaries stay the same. Must things always be this way?
I have seen my people suffer, not because they are not smart, but because they lack the right knowledge. Nigerians are some of the most intelligent people in the world, yet we fight ourselves over things that should unite us. Ethnicity and religion have divided us. Instead of standing as one, we see each other as enemies. Must things always be this way?
Selfishness is eating up our leaders. Each one cares only about their own gain. They make promises but forget the people who put them in power. They focus on their pockets instead of the hungry children on the streets. If we don’t love one another, how can we grow as a country? If we keep thinking of ourselves alone, who will save Nigeria?
Terrorism is destroying our land. Every day, we hear about Boko Haram killing people. More than 900 people died in one day, yet the government acts like nothing happened. Innocent children lose their parents, mothers cry for their lost sons, but those in power turn away. How can we call this home when we are not safe?
Some tribes believe they must rule over others, whether we agree or not. Some even think killing people will make others submit to them. But is that the way to lead? Where is the love that should bind us together? Why do we let hatred control our actions? Our leaders should help us, but instead, they add to our pain.
I pray that one day, God will hear our cries. I pray that He will send us a wise and strong leader—someone who will love the people, fight for justice, and take Nigeria to a better place. We need a leader who will unite us, not divide us. A leader who will lead with wisdom, not selfishness.
Nigeria is our home. If we do not fix it, who will? If we do not love one another, who will love us? The future of this country is in our hands. It is time to wake up. It is time to change. It is time to build, not destroy.
Thanks for reading my blog.