Wake up now...

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Wake up now...
    Get out of your bubble,
    Open your eyes to true love,
    The one you feel in your soul,
    The one that is not written in ink,
    But is lived with passion.
    Don't settle for pretty words,
    With empty promises in the wind,
    Love goes beyond the superficial,
    It's surrender, sacrifice and companionship,
    It's being present on good days and bad.
    Don't close yourself in your letters,
    Be brave and let yourself go,
    Love is an uncertain journey,
    But it's always worth the risk,
    Because in true love,
    There are no distances or barriers.
    Wake up now...
    And discover that love
    Is the force that moves the world,
    It's the spark that ignites passion,
    It's the heart's most precious gift.

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