in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello beautiful people. Now that we have thoroughly examined what it means to be contented, we need to know how to be contented.

    We need to unravel the Secrets that will make you feel at ease no matter what.

    The contentment we get from physical things is ephemeral and complete vanity. It will not suffice. We can only find the source from within, recognizing our strength and our greatness, we hold our heads high and we beat our chest because we are proud of what we have done and who we have become and we are satisfied with where we are and not remain complacent.

    Contentment is like a sea of water laid brief inside of you, One of the ways to allow it to flow is by accepting what you have and who you are. We cannot be contented, when we deny who we are and wish to be another person. We will only remain restless in that state.


    Acceptance goes a long way, it helps us not to give up avoid quitting, and to avoid losing hope in ourselves and our abilities, we must recognize this fact and face reality, telling ourselves the truth. We take it a step further by learning and seeking advice that will improve our lives, that is what will give us an edge.

    The next step is to stop comparison, if we want to be content, with what we have, who we are, and where we are, we must not compare ourselves to other people. Comparison does no good, except that it fuels the feeling of complete jealousy.

    It leads to envy, anxiety, and depression. The fact remains that the fastest way to self-limitation is through comparison. We have to recognize in us that we are good. We are the best version of ourselves and we are uniquely and wonderfully made.

    In as much as we know that no one is perfect, the person we wish to be like might also be wishing to be like us, there is an African adage that says thy all lizards crawl around on their belly, no one knows which lizard is suffering from stomach aches.

    It is one's ability to see value or enjoy the good aspects of a person, a thing, or our conditions in life. The beautiful thing about appreciation is that it helps us to focus on the positive aspects of life. When we focus our minds on the positive things of life our life becomes positive because it attracts positivity to us.

    Whatever we feed our minds with is what it will provide us with. When we focus on positivity, positive things will happen to us but when we focus on negativity, negative things will come into our lives. The best good to focus on is God. It is based on this 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, in all things, give thanks to God. God requires us to thank him when we experience good things and when we experience bad things. This is not because he takes delight in our pains when we thank him in the moments of pain. This is not because God needs our thanksgiving but because we need God's presence as the highest good in our lives. By giving him thanks we are focusing on God who is the highest good and that automatically takes our minds away from our negative thoughts and feelings to positive thoughts and feelings. It is through this means that we experience contentment and peace of mind. Therefore, we have to thank him always.

    Things can never be perfect, things can never be the way we want them to be always and the only way to have peace of mind and happiness is through contentment which involves acceptance of the reality of life that we find ourselves in, by trusting God, through appreciation of the little things we have, who we are, and we should stop comparing ourselves to other people. If we trust in God and dedicate our time to him God will provide for our needs.

    Thanks for your time. Stay contented.


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