Late Night Thoughts #2

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Late Night Thoughts #2

    The best dressed guy on the train

    It's nearly 1am and I am still wide awake, but I am slowly winding down.

    Today I had two jobs. The first was a corporate function with an insurance company. It was a book launch for a guy claiming to be a productivity expert.
    He had some good tips though during his lecture and I took notes. Everyone else looked bored.

    I also got copies of all of his books for free. I doubt the information inside them is going to be better than most self help books, but I'll add them to the ever increasing pile of books I need to get through.

    The people there barely touched the food or the alcohol I was hired to serve, which meant that I got to take stuff home. ;).

    While the guy was talking, they wanted me to hide outside of the range of the cameras as they were broadcasting the presentation meaning that I didn't do anything for two hours of the 3 hour shift. The last hour was just serving sparkling water and the occasional beer / champagne.

    The next job for the day was working at Gluttony.
    I was meant to be restocking fridges at two bars. One of which already had someone stocking for them and another and the other one didn't really need me at all.

    Dressing casual

    So for 4.5 hours I had to "look busy". LMAO.
    I still did quite a lot of walking though, and my inner thighs are red raw. No, I won't show a photo of that!
    Sure, this is a censor proof platform but I am not immune to downvotes!

    I came home to realise that Pink was performing here tonight which was why there weren't that many people at Gluttony.

    As a weird coincidence, I discovered that a lot of people are using Duolingo to learn new languages.
    I'm on a 30 day streak learning Hindi and the sentence structure is currently doing my head in.

    Tomorrow is another day off, unless a shift comes up and I will need to make some phone calls to get a few things organised.

    I've also just realised that I need to put my bin out.

    Oh well.

    I'll discuss some of the cool / funny stuff I got up to during Gluttony in a future post. For now I am going to hit the hay.

    Thank you for reading.

    Until next time,


    All content, including photos and text, are produced by myself except where indicated otherwise and sources are always supplied. I do not use A.I. so your upvotes support a genuine human being producing original.

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