in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hmmmmm 😒🙃, this might look like a deep sigh of relief to some people and a different thing to another, but guess what friends, that wasn’t a sigh of relief but a sigh of WHERE DO I WANT TO START FROM, and this is because my problem is not just one but many, as everyone is going through many rough patches now a-days thanks to the way prices of commodities are skyrocketing like crazy in this harsh economy, not only that but also with the inconveniences that comes from the people in power, this is just too much to take in but then what can man do than to keep praying and hoping for the best to come…

    My first expression upon seeing this topic was a big laughter of pain and confusion, i am sure a lot of people might be wondering why and how come, well here is the answer to your question even before asking me directly, I laughed at the question because I didn’t know where to start from and right as i was about to get on the topic, a random thought just popped into my mind that made me laugh the more, here is what came to my mind;

    If it was JESUS himself that came down to ask me this question face-to-face, our discussion will not end in days, and this is because i have many problems only him can solve perfectly well and with the grace of having him ask me directly, i will be listing all my problems to his hearing 😂😂😂…

    Well, that is that about that, it’s high time i stopped beating around the bush and tackle the topic head on, so without wasting too much time on my introduction to the topic, journey with me on this post as i share with you ONE OF MY MAJOR PROBLEM…


    The faster each day passes by the nearer the date of my UTME examination gets closer, this is one of the major problems i am facing right now, it’s been weeks since i last went to the tutorial to get quality lectures and learning from scholars and professors, and this was as a result of an emergency i had to attend to within that weeks( my health)…

    The funniest thing which is also the scariest part of this whole situation is that this particular examination holds once every year and if unfortunately i don’t get the required mark for my chosen course, I might have to stay at home for another year or i’d have to deal with the headache of either changing course or institution that settles for my score, which i am willing to settle for, it is either those or i rewrite it again next year…

    Health is wealth is a saying that has been in existence for many centuries now, i had to miss tutorial for many weeks because of this same reason and even right now i am still not fully recovered, and examination is just around the corner…

    I have less than a month to prepare for this examination, and also because of this same examination and my health i had to take a leave from writing for some time, spent quite a lot to put things into place, which is why it is a must to ace this examination, in one way or another i have to ace it, and the only pillar i can rely on right now is my GOD and my little preparation, i have to ace this examination by all means possible and i ask for divine intervention and guidance to make it happen…

    I am sure this problem i term major for myself might not be the same for everyone else, but I guess this is the major problem i am facing right now, asides from the other ones I mentioned above…

    In summary, if i had the chance to list all my problems here and now, then i bet with you, you might have to spend a couple of hours reading through my list because they are as long as the longest river in Africa lol…

    In conclusion, this problem is beyond me, I can’t stop thinking about it as it has to do with my future, which is why i have left it in the hands of the one above, when the set time comes, i am going to head into the examination center and do my best and leave the rest, after all HEAVEN HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES, i have done my best, so i will be leaving the rest to the mighty hands of the one above, let him lead and i will follow…

    NB; the above image was designed by me on canva…

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