Autumn paradise on the southernmost shores of Africa

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Welcome to another edition of "The Shape of the Cape" with your host and tour guide Julescape.


    With autumn now upon us here on the southernmost shores of the African continent, the temperature has cooled and the clouds are slowly building to bring us some much appreciated rain. Despite that the weather is still so pleasant and mild here in this beautiful jewel of a landscape.


    In fact it is a hidden jewel, perhaps one of the most beautiful amongst all the jewels that we find scattered all about our planet. This could be one of the finest treasures to be found anywhere on the continent of Africa.

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    Life here is beautiful, uplifting, glorious and conducive to good health, thanks to the abundance of gentle natural surroundings, which include forests, hills, cliffs, and of course long stretches of exquisite white sandy beaches.


    In today's presentation and display of photographs you can see just how beautiful and empty these beaches are. This provides for a playground in Paradise, where time stands still and every day is a holiday, just as good as every other all year around.


    I have stumbled upon the Eternal moment in Paradise, or as close as one can get here in this diverse temporary material world. In our world, which has so much uninhabitable and sometimes harsh natural conditions, this particular thin little stretch of shoreline on the southernmost coast of Africa is really a paradise compared to the vast majority of the rest of the country, the continent and the planet.

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    Why would I need to go anywhere else? Here and Now is the place to be, feeling free with liberty and tapping in to ecstasy. Now that the planet Mercury has just completed it's three week retrograde motion and has just turned stationary Direct in the past day or two, I now feel inspired to share with you some of my latest photographs of my stroll through Paradise, as I have been experiencing it over the past weeks.


    With the appropriate natural surroundings such as these on this beautiful southern shore line, anyone can find peace and tranquility and abundant good health. On this southern shoreline of Africa, in the region known as the Garden Route, one can really find all that you ever need to have a perfect life. That's how it feels to me in my sanctuary bubble, far from the trxoubles of the rest of the country and far from the wars fought amongst scrabbling souls in the North.


    Here time disappears and every day is a holiday or a holy day, perfect for meditation, contemplation and the awakening of higher consciousness and the ability to tap in to our vast potential which lies dormant within everyone of us.


    All we have to do is find the suitable time and place, like here and now, to be still and peaceful, and then look within and find the treasure of peace of mind and blissful consciousness.


    This, after all, is the real goal of life. The external socio-political strife which surrounds us on the planet now his merely a distraction, and yet still paradise is available, depending on the perception and perspective of the observer. I hope that wherever you are, you too can also tap in to nature's beauty as well as your own natural original dormant blissful states of consciousness that is your inherent birthright as a human being and custodian of the rest of nature on planet Earth.


    Remember that regardless of the struggles experienced by most of the human race right now, there are people and places, like us here on this remote little bit of beach, who are still able to tap in to the bliss of being in paradise on Earth, at least temporarily while the body allows it and before shuffling off this mortal coil, to head to and even greater Paradise.


    Simply by surrounding yourself with a beautiful natural environment, you too can shake off the woes of the world and wonder, like Alice, down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass and into the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Beach, where every step is a dance and every word is a song.


    Wherever you are I wish you abundant good health and peace of mind along with joy and happiness for simply being alive. If you are not able to glimpse this potential within yourself, then feel inspired to join me here if you wish, to share this perspective of Paradise on Earth along with me on the sunny shores of Southern Africa.

    Photos my own. Written and published via my mobile device into the Hive blockchain.

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