The struggle for survival: need for increase on minimum wage $$ my consideration.

in voilk •  27 days ago

    Week 54 of the hive Ghana weekly prompt. And I'm glad to participate on the nice topics, I specifically want to talk about minimum wages.
    [designed by @sylvasticks]

    Well it is a thing that saddens the heart of any person who is a worker eigther a professional field or not it doesn't matter which sector they operate what they have in mind is that salary is going to be paid as the rewards for their services rendered, what happens when their hope is being turned down. I think this is a very crucial topic to write about.
    Last week I made a post about the NLC and TUC strike in my country Nigeria,

    the causes and effects it has caused an average person living in the country. Infact it's among the top news now in the country
    However, since the Government of my country is a democratic one, the issue of minimum wage is on the shoulders of the government to make sure that it's citizens enjoy their rights and obligations. After all it is the government of the people by the people and for the people, which are the masses.
    It has been announced that the minimum wage should be increased not only for the government workers but also in the private sector. Now if this is implemented it will be a good way of relieving the burden of survival in the midst of the masses.
    Reasons why minimum wage should be increased.

    Feeding;feeding is very paramount in the lives of each and every one of us but I can say that right now it is difficult for an average person to survive because of the high cost of food. I have to precisely mention Garri here
    imgae source
    😎 how many people can currently afford two cups of garri which is now N500 naira on a daily basis not to talk of others like rice and beans which is N500 for a cup. When the prices of food increase and minimum wage remains the same it will definitely be a problem.

    Transportation: Sometimes what we take home doesn't take us home and can not sustain us till when we get the next one. I was once a victim of this one, a situation where transportation takes half of your salary. It might be funny but it is a reality.

    Improves workers productivity: now when a worker who is working as a professional in his or her field is not properly paid it does not motivate the workers to give their best in the work. This things are real and is happening with government workers in the health department, teaching department to mention but a few.

    Tackling poverty:right now there is hunger in the land and increase in minimum wage can help subside the rate of low income earners and also help on reducing income inequalities and related social problem in the society.

    Minimum wage is defined to be the lowest renumeration an employer is expected to pay his/her employee.
    Wages deals directly with the people and they should not be deprived a reasonable amount of salary. It works well when the Government play their role perfectly.

    Thanks for reading through my blog
    @sylvasticks remains my name.

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