Paternity test

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Designed by canva
    Traits are characters we inherit from our parents (Father and mother). Examples of traits are the complexion, height, head structure, nails, color of eyes, arrangement of teeth, body structure, posture, and many more.
    Trait is one personality- the way one speaks, behavior under pressure, responding to situations, attitudes and characters.
    There are two types of traits- Dominant trait and recessive trait.
    Dominant traits: these are traits that are dominant in a person. For instance if Mr Kingley is extremely fair and his wife has black skin while his son is extremely fair. It simply means that extremely fair skin is dominant in their son's skin.
    Therefore, dominant traits are those visible, and behaviors a child exhibits.

    Received traits: they are traits of which a child inherited from his parents (mother and father). For instance, if Mr David and his wife are extremely black; and they eventually give birth to two boys with extremely fair skin.
    It simply means that the parents skin color is recessive because it doesn't show in their sons.
    Some people may say that the father is not the biological father of the sons. I have had a case like that; until the Paternity test was done, the father did not believe he was the biological father of the two boys.
    In such a case, the two boys inherited the black skin gene from their parents but their great grandmother was dominant which is extremely fair skin.
    Before the paternity test, their father neglected them because there was no visible trait inherited from their father. That was when their mother voiced out that it was him. The father refused and said, “until DNA is done, i can't agree that they are my son”.

    He went to court to file a divorce; they refused to give him divorce paper but told him to be patient.
    The case was filed in court; and the court ordered them to undergo a paternity test. After the result came out, the DNA test 100% matched their father.
    Their father was reluctant because he believed that a child should take at least one of his/her father's characteristics.
    Until the man was taken to a specialist where he was lectured. As those boys were growing, certain traits of their father began to appear (dominant) in them.
    Today, they talk, walk, and are troublesome like their father. One is in Junior Secondary School 2 (JSS2) while the young one is in Primary 5 or Basic 6.

    Let me talk about the traits I inherited from my mom and dad.
    My mother is very peaceful, she desists from anything that causes problems. She's an introvert and slow to anger. It is rare to see my mum get angry. Since I was born, I only got wiped by my mother once in my lifetime. She gave me one hot slap that day; That hot slap was the only beating I received from my mother till now that I have grown up.
    I'm 85% like my mother; I never see my mother fight with anyone, even my father; I also don't fight with people.
    I run away from trouble not because I'm not strong, it is just in me; even though you want to cause me trouble, I find a way to calm the person down.
    When I was 12, I wanted to change this narrative of mine because I was cheated by my classmates. I tried my best but I couldn't.
    Today, if I have a little disagreement with my friends, I quickly make up with them. I hardly fight with my friends but there is a little disagreement with my friends that lasts for a few hours.
    Today, the trait is a treasure to me. I'm a peacemaker to my friends and I don't easily fight with people.

    My father is like a soldier; and he treated me and my siblings like soldiers. That is the reason I was scared of my father. I dare not say a word if he's talking to me. He was a man of his words; once he made a decision, it wasn't easy to change; he was very firm in decision making. He wasn't like my mother, who was very flexible in making decisions.
    I made my mother change her decisions several times and also my siblings. No one could dare it with my father.

    One trait I took from him is “decision making”. I don't easily back off from my decisions.
    The trait has helped me in several ways- my education, career, life, office and many more.
    I would have given up in some areas of my life when things were tough; but my decision made me persevere and never give up.
    I wouldn't have finished my school, my decision made me persevered. I wouldn't have gotten the appointment with the state I'm working with now, it was my decision that made me unshakable.
    My decision was stronger than mine, which made me achieve unbelievable things.

    I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
    “Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale

    Thank you for reading my post.

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