De barbero con Hugo 😜✂️💈/Barbering with Hugo😜✂️💈[ES/EN]

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hola amigos de #Liketu, hoy les comparto las fotos hechas el día de ayer mientras mi papá le cortaba el cabello a mi sobrino 💇🏻‍♂️✂️💈😁.

    Llevar a Hugo al barbero 💈 es tarea difícil 🤭🤭, no le gusta y no se deja pelar jj, por este motivo mi hermana lo hace en su casa, sigue siendo difícil pero al menos está en casa y se trata de convencer de la mejor manera que cortarse el cabello no es nada malo jj.

    Mi hermana lo entretiene con su móvil, dejándole ver vídeos y así se olvida de lo que están haciendo y se mueve menos 🤭.

    Pero en esta ocasión su mamá no está y le tocó a mí papá hacer de barbero 💈 🤣🤣🤣, ..que manera de sufrir los 2 🤣🤣, Hugo porque no le gusta lo que le estaban haciendo ( creo que teme que le corten una oreja🤭🤭) y mi papá porque Hugo no se quedaba tranquilo y constantemente se quejaba y/o se movía jj, mi mamá y yo colaboramos y nos reímos de lejos al verlos a los 2 en plena faena, uno de víctima y otro de victimario 🤣🤣🤣, en fin , una tarde entretenida.

    A nosotras nos tocó calmarlos y tratar de que mi sobrino no se asustara y el tiempo bajo la tijera fuera el mínimo....y no podía faltar alguna que otra foto para que el niño se relajara 😜😜.

    Espero que les gusten las fotos 😉

    Saludos y bendiciones ☺️


    Hello friends of #Liketu, today I share with you the photos taken yesterday while my dad was cutting my nephew's hair 💇🏻‍♂️✂️💈😁.

    Taking Hugo to the barber 💈 is a difficult task 🤭🤭, he doesn't like it and doesn't let himself be cut jj, for this reason my sister does it at home, it's still difficult but at least he's at home and he tries to convince as best he can. so cutting your hair is not a bad thing jj.

    My sister entertains him with her cell phone, letting him watch videos so he forgets what they are doing and moves less 🤭.

    But this time his mother is not there and it was my dad's turn to act as a barber 💈 🤣🤣🤣, ..what a way for the two of them to suffer 🤣🤣, Hugo because he doesn't like what they were doing to him (I think he's afraid that they'll cut him one ear🤭🤭) and my dad because Hugo didn't stay calm and constantly complained and/or moved jj, my mom and I collaborated and laughed from afar when we saw the two of them in the middle of the task, one as a victim and the other as a victimizer 🤣🤣🤣, anyway, an entertaining afternoon.

    It was our turn to calm them down and try to ensure that my nephew didn't get scared and the time under the scissors was kept to a minimum....and we couldn't miss the odd photo so that the child could relax 😜😜.

    I hope you like the photos 😉

    Greetings and blessings ☺️

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